Template:Mecha'thun notes

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  • Mecha'thun will destroy the enemy hero even if the controlling player has Secrets or Weapons equipped.[1]
  • Destroying Mecha'thun with a  Reincarnate will successfully activate the Deathrattle effect if its condition is satisfied.[2]
  • Mecha'thun will destroy the enemy hero even if the controlling player controls a Permanent.[3] It is unknown whether this is a bug or intended.[4]
  • Mecha'thun's effect will destroy immune heroes.
  • Mecha'thun's effect still activates even if there is a friendly minion with Reborn destroyed, since Reborn effects always trigger after Deathrattles.
  • If Mecha'thun is killed at the same time as a minion whose deathrattle would place cards in the player's hand or deck, such as  Shifting Shade or  Bad Luck Albatross, Mecha'thun's deathrattle will not activate, despite the hand/deck being empty at the time of its death. It appears that the Mecha'thun deathrattle is calculated last regardless of where it is placed on the board, possibly due to mana cost priority.

This template contains notes for these cards.

BOT 424.png

Usually note templates are only created when the card's note is intended to be recycled in multiple articles, so that when you edit this template, all notes of this card on every page will be updated simultaneously.

  1. Peter Whalen on Twitter (X). (2018-07-29). 
  2. HysteriA (2018-08-10). Hearthstone Mythbusters 60 - BOOMSDAY SPECIAL. YouTube. Retrieved on 2018-08-11.
  3. HysteriA (2018-08-28). Hearthstone Mythbusters 62. YouTube. Retrieved on 2018-08-31.
  4. Mecha'thun + The Darkness. (2018-08-12). Retrieved on 2018-08-12.