Template:Mass Hysteria notes

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  • Mass Hysteria works in the following way:
    • All minions on the board are selected to attack another random minion in random order.
    • When a minion that is next in queue to attack has 0 or less Health, its attack gets skipped.
      • Minion health numbers are resolved after each time a minion attacks.
    • Once all minions have attacked or had their attack skipped due to not having enough Health, the spell ends.
      • Minions summoned during the spell effect (Ex.  Security Rover takes damage and summons a  Guard Bot,  Ironhide Direhorn Overkills a minion and summons an  Ironhide Runt, etc.) will not be forced to attack a random minion by the spell, although they can be targeted to be attacked by another minion affected by the spell. For each attack, before-combat effects (Secrets,  Blessing of Wisdom, etc.), on-damage effects(Lifesteal, etc.) are triggered.
    • Deathrattles and on-kill effects are resolved after every minion finishes attacking.
  • Mass Hysteria causes 0-attack minions and minions that can't attack, if they are present, to attack another random minion, despite being unable to attack normally otherwise.
  • Frozen minions still attack.
  • Mass Hysteria is playable even if there are no minions or only 1 minion on the board.
  • Non-exhausted minions attacking under the effect of Mass Hysteria do not become exhausted after Mass Hysteria resolves.

This template contains notes for these cards.

TRL 258.png

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