Template:Maiden of the Lake strategy

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Since this card does not reduce the cost of your Hero Power by 1, but specifically sets the cost to 1 mana, additional Maiden of the Lake cards will have no increased effect. They can both keep the cost at 1 while alive; in other words, the cost will simply remain at 1 until the last maiden is eliminated.

Maiden of the Lake is a direct counter to  Saboteur and  Blowtorch Saboteur. If it's the latest modifier Maiden's effect will take precedence, so playing Maiden of the Lake afterwards will nullify the increased cost and set it back to 1. Conversely, playing this card can actually be a drawback if your Hero Power is reduced to 0 mana, such as with  Tour Guide.

This card has synergy with minions with Inspire effects as it allows you to fit your Hero Power in a smaller mana pool, allowing for more constant repetition of the hero power. This does require the Maiden to avoid enemy 4-6 damage threats, which is hard to accomplish due to its low attack making for easy trades with 3 health minions, and there are often better 4-cost cards with more balanced stats. On the upside, with Inspire cards in hand while the Maiden is still on the board, there is more potential for an immediate Inspire following the ability coming into play.

Since this card replicates the Hero Power effects of  Genn Greymane Even decks, without the restrictions, include some core cards as you would an Even deck and try and plant this minion on the board early and protect it.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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Remember that this is just an archived content of Strategy section that was supposed to be removed following the decision in Hearthstone Wiki:Project 13. It's up to you to review the content and keep them for a project in the future. Details to follow soon, once Project 13 is completed.