Template:Magtheridon Prime strategy

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The Rusted Legion's general, at last, commanding enemy forces amassed. The fight for Outland's salvation is on, defeat your quarry: Magtheridon (...Prime)!

The final boss of Chapter 3. Magtheridon Prime mainly revolves around self-damage synergies, which is also reflected in his passive Hero Power. He also has some Armor generation in  Shield Block and  Kargath Bladefist. Due to the potency of his Hero Power, under no circumstances should you try and rush him down. Focus on maintaining board control before taking the offensive, lest his Rusted Fel Orcs quickly overrun you. That said,  Immolation Aura is your key card against them, but should only be used in emergency situations if there are many Rusted Fel Orcs on the board.

For the most part, focus on building a good board with your minions while clearing out enemy minions. Of course, make the most efficient trades possible and get the best out from your Outcast effects. Also, take extra care to kill Wrathguards to prevent Magtheridon Prime from summoning more Rusted Fel Orcs during his turn.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

BTA BOSS 12h.png

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