Template:Lesser Jasper Spellstone strategy

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Lesser Jasper Spellstone is a flexible removal card. In the early game, the 2 damage can be used to clear away small minions, similar to  Arcane Shot or  Holy Smite. You can also let the card sit in your hand and upgrade it. This can be done over a few turns with  Shapeshift, or quickly through cards like  Branching Paths,  Oaken Summons, or  Feral Rage. Upgraded, the Spellstone is extremely efficient, dealing as much damage as  Shadow Bolt or even  Fireball for only 1 mana. Keep in mind this can only target minions, keeping it only useful for board control.

 Malfurion the Pestilent has notable synergy with this card, as it provides armor immediately and  Plague Lord can upgrade the Spellstone each turn by itself.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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