Template:Jepetto Joybuzz (boss) strategy

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Jepetto Joybuzz is one of the hardest bosses in The Dalaran Heist thanks to a combination of his hero power, his plentiful removal options and the limited space to summon your own minions, meaning that Jepetto will often have board advantage over you.

Jepetto will build a board up fast, drawing into a wide variety of high-value Deathrattle or turn based effect minions and spawn a 1/1 immediately after, the most dangerous of which are: Sylvanas, Ragnaros,  Spider Bomb,  Vilebrood Skitterer,  Anubisath Sentinel and  The Lich King, There is no way of knowing which 1/1 copy is coming up next so you will have to be flexible and have a plan for whenever Jepetto summons any of these minions with his hero power.

A valid strategy is to not trade into his minions when his board is full, silencing them or freezing them if possible. This way Jepetto can't take advantage of his hero power, lessening the chances of him summoning a 1/1 copy of a dangerous minion, forcing him to play it from his hand instead.

When choosing initial cards, it can be a good idea to keep spells and send away minions, that way more minions will be drawn and more clones will be generated for you. Sending away minions is especially important for ones with valuable text that would benefit even from a 1/1 clone, such as deathrattle.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

DALA BOSS 25h.png

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