Template:How to get/Expert

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How to get/Expert can be obtained through Classic card packs, through crafting, or as an Arena reward.

Card Crafting cost Disenchanting
How to get/Expert {{{1}}} {{{2}}}
Golden How to get/Expert {{{3}}} {{{4}}}

Description[edit source]

This template is used by other templates to list the means for obtaining cards.

Don't use this template directly, rather use one matching the rarity of the card:

This template has five mandatory parameters, which pass the crafting and disenchanting values for normal and golden versions of the card, as well as its rarity.

This template also has one optional parameter: set.

  • This determines the type of card pack/card set that the card is linked to.
  • Default value is Classic.

The word "Expert" in the title "Template:How to get/Expert" is misleading, since this template is now also used to describe cards outside of the "Expert" set (now the Classic set).

How to modify this template[edit source]

Modify this template when either of the following happens:

New expansion set[edit source]

To add a new Standard format card set, insert a new line for the expansion under the wikicomment, matching the format for the other sets listed there. This will allow the template to link to the correct card set, and can be done as soon as the set is officially announced.

|descent=[[Descent of Dragons]]
|uldum=[[Saviors of Uldum]]
|shadows=[[Rise of Shadows]]
|rastakhan=[[Rastakhan's Rumble]]
|boomsday=[[The Boomsday Project]]
|witchwood=[[The Witchwood]]

New Standard year[edit source]

At the start of each Standard year, the template must be updated to reflect sets being moved over to Wild format. To do this, simply copy and move the corresponding Standard format lines associated with the converted sets to the two Wild sections below, matching the format that is used there.

|kobolds=[[Kobolds & Catacombs]]
|frozen=[[Knights of the Frozen Throne]]
|un'goro|journey to un'goro=[[Journey to Un'Goro]]
|gadgetzan=[[Mean Streets of Gadgetzan]]
|wotog=[[Whispers of the Old Gods]]
|tgt=[[The Grand Tournament]]
|gvg=[[Goblins vs Gnomes]]
|un'goro|journey to un'goro
=[[card packs]] purchased online from the [https://shop.battle.net/family/hearthstone Battle.net shop], or through [[crafting]].

Examples[edit source]

Common card[edit source]

How to get/Expert can be obtained through Ashes of Outland card packs, through crafting, or as an Arena reward.

Card Crafting cost Disenchanting
How to get/Expert 40 5
Golden How to get/Expert 400 50

Rare card[edit source]

How to get/Expert can be obtained through Ashes of Outland card packs, through crafting, or as an Arena reward. Regular How to get/Expert can also be obtained through the Highest Rank Bonus chest at the end of a Ranked season.

Card Crafting cost Disenchanting
How to get/Expert 100 20
Golden How to get/Expert 800 100

Epic card[edit source]

How to get/Expert can be obtained through Ashes of Outland card packs, through crafting, or as an Arena reward. Regular How to get/Expert can also be obtained through the Highest Rank Bonus chest at the end of a Ranked season.

Card Crafting cost Disenchanting
How to get/Expert 400 100
Golden How to get/Expert 1600 400

Legendary card[edit source]

How to get/Expert can be obtained through Ashes of Outland card packs, through crafting, or as an Arena reward.

Card Crafting cost Disenchanting
How to get/Expert 1600 400
Golden How to get/Expert 3200 1600

Classic rare card[edit source]

How to get/Expert can be obtained through Classic card packs, through crafting, or as an Arena reward. Regular How to get/Expert can also be obtained through the Highest Rank Bonus chest at the end of a Ranked season, or as a first-time reward for first time reaching Silver 10 or Gold 10 in Ranked mode.

Card Crafting cost Disenchanting
How to get/Expert 100 20
Golden How to get/Expert 800 100

Classic epic card[edit source]

How to get/Expert can be obtained through Classic card packs, through crafting, or as an Arena reward. Regular How to get/Expert can also be obtained through the Highest Rank Bonus chest at the end of a Ranked season, or as a first-time reward for first time reaching Platinum 10 or Diamond 10 in Ranked mode.

Card Crafting cost Disenchanting
How to get/Expert 400 100
Golden How to get/Expert 1600 400

Classic legendary card[edit source]

How to get/Expert can be obtained through Classic card packs, through crafting, or as an Arena reward. Regular How to get/Expert can also be obtained as a first-time reward for first time reaching Legend in Ranked mode.

Card Crafting cost Disenchanting
How to get/Expert 1600 400
Golden How to get/Expert 3200 1600

Hall of Fame common card[edit source]

How to get/Expert can be obtained through crafting only.

Card Crafting cost Disenchanting
How to get/Expert 40 5
Golden How to get/Expert 400 50