Template:Heigan the Unclean strategy

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Normal and Heroic tactics work out to be roughly the same. Heigan's Eruption has no effect when your side has no minions, so creature-light decks, such as Freeze Mage, work especially well. However, decks that have resurrection-on-death minions, such as  Nerubian Egg,  Haunted Creeper, and  Harvest Golem, do just fine. The health-gaining effects of  Stoneskin Gargoyle,  Questing Adventurer,  Gruul, and  Ethereal Arcanist make them into effective meat shields until a friend can step into the way of the fire.

Try to be ready for minions that are one cast away from appearing on the field. The  Voidcaller trigger frequently replaces a 3/4 with a larger threat, and  Doomguard will charge across with no warning as early as the fifth turn.  Doomsayer deals with Voidcallers quite well, since he will pop them at the beginning of your turn, when you have the most mana. Taunts and armor can take care of the rest.

Warlock is one of the only two classes capable of removing the initial  Voidcaller in Heroic Mode before your turn 2, by means of either  Corruption or  Soulfire. Druid is the other, using  Naturalize. A warlock deck with plenty of directly damaging spells and removal such as the above and  Shadow Bolt,  Drain Life,  Siphon Soul,  Demonfire etc., as well as resilient Taunts, resurrecting minions and health-gaining or health-restoring minions will defeat him easily even in Heroic Mode given a decent opening hand.

With the Grand Tournament expansion, this battle can be pretty easy if you place  Dreadsteed in the left-most position, because Eruption will be unable to kill it and thus protect the rest of your minions from the damage.


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