Template:Headmaster Kel'Thuzad notes

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  • Minions killed through  Professor Slate's effect does trigger Headmaster Kel'Thuzad, as well as killing them by swapping their health and attack such as  Confuse and  Topsy Turvy.
  • Headmaster Kel'Thuzad does work with spells that force attacks, like  Ramming Speed and  Mass Hysteria.
    • In the case of cards like  Nagrand Slam, minions summoned and killed by the same spell will be resurrected.
  • Unlike other Spellbursts, Headmaster Kel'Thuzad's Spellburst will trigger if he changes his controller by the time the spell has resolved. For example, his Spellburst will trigger if  Treachery is cast on him, while all other Spellburst minions would not trigger.[1]
    • This can easily be seen if the spell is used to kill an enemy  Sylvanas Windrunner if she takes control of Headmaster Kel'Thuzad, who will resummon Sylvanas (as well as any other minions killed by the spell) for your opponent.

This template contains notes for these cards.

SCH 224.png

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