Template:Grim Guzzler strategy

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Defeating Coren is a relatively straightforward challenge. Create a deck filled with powerful minions, as expensive as you like; Coren's Hero Power Pile On! will pull them onto the board for you each turn at no cost, and they will be able to attack before his minions due to the order of play. This will allow the player to win easily, with Coren's minions unable to compare to the player's.

For the most part, you will rely on these automatically summoned minions to win the game. This means that you will be unable to play minions from the hand for the first few turns, but this can be countered by including some spells in your deck, preferably removal. Note that Battlecries will therefore be of no effect unless you play the minion from the hand.

Spell deck

Alternatively, build a deck with spells. Coren's Hero Power will only draw minions from your deck. The only minions that are worth adding are the strong tough ones, but pretty much it is an easy win for a Legendary deck. You can also try cards that gain buffs for or give buffs to other minions, such as  Stormwind Champion. However, do NOT use paladin or shaman because you do not want your Hero Power blocking the beneficial half of Coren's Hero Power.

Guides and decklists

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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Remember that this is just an archived content of Strategy section that was supposed to be removed following the decision in Hearthstone Wiki:Project 13. It's up to you to review the content and keep them for a project in the future. Details to follow soon, once Project 13 is completed.