Template:Flobbidinous Floop strategy

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With poor stats for his cost, Floop is best used to copy minions with powerful effects.  Malygos is a prime target for this card's effect, as you will have a lot of mana left over for spells. If the original Malygos was not removed, or if you refilled your mana with  Twig of the World Tree, this can be devastating. Other good cards to copy include  Hadronox and  The Lich King, letting you gain further value with their effects without having to pay the full cost again. As he transforms in your hand, Flobbidinous Floop can also be used to reuse Battlecry effects, like  Giggling Inventor and  Aya Blackpaw, or simply be played as a discounted or free 3/4 with in-hand cost modifications like  Arcane Tyrant.

Note that Floop can be Recruited by  Oaken Summons as he costs 4 mana, wasting his effect.

Flobbidinous Floop can also be used in druid  Mecha'thun decks to counter or mitigate the effects of cards such as  Demonic Project,  Skulking Geist, and  Dirty Rat.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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