Template:Felstorm Run strategy

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As our heroes ride for the Black Temple, a rusted Felstorm tests their mettle. Survive 10 turns to escape its grasp, and prepare yourself for the next task!

All rhymes aside, the Felstorm Run operates similarly to past escape encounters (such as  Mine Shaft or  The Dragonflights). Riding off on a  Stolen Demolisher, you're provided with a special deck of cards and a unique Hero Power. Each turn, the  Felstorm Tornado will recruit waves of random Demon and Outland-themed minions from the boss' deck.

Clearing the board is key.  Reroute Power is your primary source of damage—proportionate to the number of cards in your hand—and should be your best bet in the early game; play as few cards as possible to maximise damage. As there are only 6 Taunt minions in your deck, you would want to use them sparingly and only to mitigate attacks from incoming enemies. The boss generally goes face whenever possible.

 Refueling should be best used to keep your hand filled, for the purpose of using your Hero Power. Despite adding 2 more to the "Turns to Escape" counter, it allows for more options and you have a chance of drawing extra Turbo Boosts!, which counteracts the turn loss. Use at your own discretion.

 Exhaust Backfire does good AoE damage against multiple enemy minions, but should be held onto until absolutely necessary. It's especially powerful if the boss has a  Mo'arg Artificer on their board. (Two is even better.)

 Infernal Cannon should be reserved for situations when there are big enemy minions on the board, ensuring powerful single-target removal and stealing strong enemy minions.  Scrapyard Colossus is the most ideal minion to be stolen.

 Turbo Boost! is your most crucial card, and should be saved towards the end of the run. Apart from counteracting extra turns from  Refueling, using it can end the encounter immediately if you have one or two turns left to escape.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

BTA BOSS 07h.png

Remember that this is just an archived content of Strategy section that was supposed to be removed following the decision in Hearthstone Wiki:Project 13. It's up to you to review the content and keep them for a project in the future. Details to follow soon, once Project 13 is completed.