Template:Fandral Staghelm strategy

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Preparing to play a Choose One card, with Fandral active

Most of the Druid's Choose One effects are balanced so that each effect is reasonable for the Mana cost. Gaining both effects will drastically increase the value of each of your Choose One cards, such as turning  Ancient of War into a 10/10 Taunt Minion for 7 Mana,  Raven Idol allowing you to discover two cards for only 1 Mana,  Nourish providing you with both 2 Mana Crystals as well as 3 cards, and many more.

While it would be ideal to keep Fandral Staghelm on the field as long as possible to benefit from his fantastic effect, your opponent will likely plan to annihilate him as soon as they possibly can. Taunt minions can protect him from attacks; most fittingly,  Mark of Nature can provide a friendly minion with +4/4 and Taunt for only 3 Mana, converting it into a powerful guardian to keep Staghelm safe. Unfortunately there's no real way to keep him save from removal via spells, so unless you are able to bait your opponent's removal cards and are certain they have no option to destroy Staghelm, it would usually be wise to save him for your late game, where you can get off a few Choose One effects the turn he's summoned. Even if he's destroyed the following turn, you'll have gained enough added value from his presence that the board will most likely be turned entirely in your favor.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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Remember that this is just an archived content of Strategy section that was supposed to be removed following the decision in Hearthstone Wiki:Project 13. It's up to you to review the content and keep them for a project in the future. Details to follow soon, once Project 13 is completed.