Template:Everyfin is Awesome strategy

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This is a Murloc support card that has two uses. Like  Bloodlust it provides burst damage which can be used to end the game however unlike that card this Attack boost while weaker is permanent. In addition this card makes your board much harder to remove with the Health increase. Ideally you would play this when you have at least 3 minions on your field in order to get massive value from the card and push your enemy into a bad position.

The output of this spell is of course increased for each friendly Murloc on the board. In combination with the mana reduction this makes the spell exponentially more efficient for each additional Murloc. With a full board of Murlocs this spell will cost 0 mana, and provide +14/+14 in stats.

Both the stat boost and mana efficiency can justify the inclusion of weak, cheap Murlocs in a deck, since this spell will compensate for their weakness, while the larger number of minions will reduce its cost and make it playable earlier in the game.  Murloc Tinyfin is an extreme example of the characteristics of this spell. While a very weak option alone, in combination with Everyfin is Awesome the Tinyfin results in a 3/3 for effectively -1 mana.

OTK:  Old Murk-Eye + 2  Bluegill Warrior + 2  Grimscale Oracle + 2  Murloc Tinyfin + 2 Everyfin is Awesome = 30 dmg for 10 mana (and 9 cards).

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

LOE 113.png

Remember that this is just an archived content of Strategy section that was supposed to be removed following the decision in Hearthstone Wiki:Project 13. It's up to you to review the content and keep them for a project in the future. Details to follow soon, once Project 13 is completed.