Template:Encumbered Pack Mule strategy

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Encumbered Pack Mule provides two copies in a price of one when drawn from the deck. It should be note that if left in Mulligan Hand, it's effect won't work so it should always be not kept in the starting hand.

It has plenty of synergies since Encumbered Pack Mule provides 2 cards into your hand instead of the usual 1 allowing to get better result with hand-based effects such as  Mountain Giant,  Abyssal Summoner, Goldshire Knoll,  Package Runner,  Anetheron,  Entitled Customer.

It is similar to  Saronite Chain Gang but allowing you the ability to play half of a Saronite Chain Gang for two mana. This mean the player can play one of the two Encumbered Pack Mule on curve while playing the other later.

Encumbered Pack Mule benefits from double the value from Hand Buff effects from  Smuggler's Run,  Alliance Bannerman, or Grimstreet Outfitter. Because it is also a Beast, it can be benefitted by Don't feed the Animals and gaining charge from  Tundra Rhino

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

SW 306.png

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