Template:Edra strategy

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In Normal mode Edra is a weak version of Token Druid withous strong minions or spells. Most of her minions die from weak AoE or 1-2 mana minions. Constant keeping Edra's board empty will not be difficult with AoE, and if is it missing, it would be better to kill only the minions with Lifesteal. Since Edra has 10 or 15 HP only, she will be often trading with player's minions, giving an ability to deal damage to her.

In Heroic mode Edra captures the board much faster and can also buff it with  Power of the Wild. Also she can have  Crypt Lord and  Wardruid Loti, who are able to turn the outcome of the battle in favor of Edra. Therefore, in Heroic mode, it is desirable to kill all her minions regardless of the presence or absence of AoE, as well as expose as many minions as possible to reduce damage to the player's hero. As with other low-level initial bosses, idle will not be fatal only with  Primordial Bulwark passive or  Addarah in hand.

Most of signature treasures play equally well in both modes and such passives as Primordial Bulwark,  Band of Scarabs,  Disks of Swiftness,  Glyph of Warding and Rocket Backpacks.

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ULDA BOSS 32h.png

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