Template:EVIL Recruiter strategy

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Effectively a 4 mana 7/7 with the sacrificed Lackey's stats and cost taken into account split across two bodies, EVIL Recruiter makes for a threatening early-game presence. Try to save a Lackey to play on the same turn as this card, as there is no guarantee of a 1/1 surviving your opponent's turn.  Faceless Lackey and  Ethereal Lackey are generally the best for this purpose as they do not directly interact with the board. This card goes well in Zoolock decks, which naturally tend to run Lackey generators like  EVIL Genius and  EVIL Cable Rat.

Slightly anti-synergizes with  Dark Pharaoh Tekahn, as their respective Battlecries weaken each other's value.

He synergizes very well with things that double battlecries like  Brann Bronzebeard - destroying a single lackey (a 2nd one is not destroyed) then summons two 5/5 demons. It doubles the output but not the sacrifice.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

ULD 162.png

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