Template:Dr. Boom, Mad Genius notes

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  •  Big Red Button is not available in gameplay; it is only used to represent the Hero Power when selected in the Collection or hovered over in your hand.
  • Dr. Boom, Mad Genius will not change into the same Hero Power twice in a row, but it is otherwise chosen at random.[1]
  • The Hero Power does not switch until the end of turn. Therefore, refreshing Dr. Boom's hero power with a card such as  Blackwald Pixie will not rotate it to a new one.
    • Note that though the hero powers read "Swaps each turn", the hero powers do not swap during the opponent's turn. (As opposed to cards like  Gruul which do activate on both players' turns)

This template contains notes for these cards.

BOT 238.png

Usually note templates are only created when the card's note is intended to be recycled in multiple articles, so that when you edit this template, all notes of this card on every page will be updated simultaneously.

  1. Card Reveal Livestream - The Boomsday Project (51:00). (2018-07-23). YouTube. Retrieved on 2018-07-23.