Template:Doomcaller notes

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  • The effect of Doomcaller's Battlecry depends on the location of the player's  C'Thun:
    • This card's effect will improve C'Thun if it is currently in the player's deck, hand, or battlefield.[1]
    • If C'Thun has already died, a new C'Thun will be generated and shuffled back into the player's deck.
    • Repeating Doomcaller's Battlecry will add more copies of C'Thun to your deck, even if only one has died for you.[2]
    • If C'Thun has been transformed, overdrawn, captured via  Entomb or similar spells, or otherwise removed from the game without dying, Doomcaller's Battlecry will have no effect. To be shuffled back into your deck, C'Thun must have died under your control on your side of the board.[3][4]
    • If a duplicate C'Thun dies (such as a 1/1 copy summoned by  Barnes), Doomcaller will still generate and shuffle a new C'Thun into the deck, even if the original is still in the deck.
  • This card will not be included in Arena picks (along with C'Thun and all other related cards).[5] However, it may still appear in Arena matches through random effects.[6]
  • Because Doomcaller generates a copy of C'Thun rather than moving the original, if you play a golden Doomcaller with a dead C'Thun, it will shuffle a golden C'Thun into your deck, even if the original C'Thun was not golden.

This template contains notes for these cards.

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