Template:Clutchmother Zavas strategy

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Zavas's effect causes her to have obvious strong synergy with various discard effects, such as  Doomguard,  Soulfire,  Lakkari Felhound and the Warlock quest  Lakkari Sacrifice, making her a strong inclusion in Discardlock decks. As the Clutchmother is a very cheap minion, it can be very helpful with baiting high-value removals, even if she is only 6/6, making her a valuable minesweeper for even bigger minions.

 Howlfiend can raise Zavas to particularly powerful stats. This is best when she is the only card in hand. Zavas's cheap cost also makes her a good target for  Shriek and  Reckless Diretroll.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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