Template:Bladestorm strategy

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Bladestorm is a reversed  Defile where the effect continues until any minion dies. If activated once, Bladestorm performs exactly as a regular Whirlwind but costing two more mana than  Whirlwind, and one more than  Warpath or  Bladestorm

Bladestorm is best used when dealing with higher health minions which is able to proc its effect more than 3 mana such that it is efficient for its mana cost. It is not efficient to cast this when there are only 1 health minions on the board.

Bladestorm can remove a single minion on the board (up to 30 health) entirely as the only way to end its effect is having that minion to die. For example, a 8/8 minion with divine shield only on board will always die.

Bladestorm works alongside several cards such as  Frothing Berserker (as long as Frothing Berzerker lives in the end) to gain massive amount of attack for every instance. Armorsmith to generate plenty of armor,

 Bonechewer Vanguard and  Bonechewer Brawler to gain massive amount of attack,  Acolyte of Pain to draw 3 cards for free. or a single  Grim Patron to summon 6 Grim Patrons on the board with 18/12 worth of stats for 8 mana,  Blackhowl Gunspire to repetitively damage enemy face,  Axe Flinger to deal up to 10 damage to the enemy hero, or any minions that gains bonuses whenever it takes a instance of damage.

Using  Commanding Shout along Bladestorm ensures that only enemy minion deaths will end its effects but will leave your minions at most 1 health. You can use  Battle Rage to generate a huge amount of card draw after Bladestorm

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

BT 117.png

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