Template:Blackwald Pixie strategy

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Blackwald Pixie works well in decks which depend on a powerful Hero Power, such as those running Hero cards with usable Hero Powers or  Baku the Mooneater.

It works particularly well with  Ballista Shot, The Four Horsemen, and DIE, INSECT! from  Fire Plume's Heart, giving extra burst damage or reach to finish your opponent.

Note that despite having the stats of an early game minion, you must have at least 7 Mana in order to play Blackwald Pixie and make use of your Hero Power twice, without any cost-modifying effects. As such, the effect will likely come into play only in mid- to late game, but the stats make Blackwald Pixie still decent to play for tempo if drawn early.

However this can be reduced with  Tour Guide with a cost of 6 mana (or 5 mana if used on the next turn)

For some classes, Blackwald Pixie can be used early in the game should the player is playing as a Demon Hunter to make use of a 1 cost hero power or a Hunter running the Defending the Dwarven District questline to have it's hero power cost 0. This becomes better as it is a odd cost card which empowers their hero power thanks to Baku, the Mooneater

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

GIL 561.png

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