Template:Bg hero query

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This template is a Battlegrounds version of {{List cards}} that returns only Battlegrounds heroes and their Hero Powers. This does not return Hero Powers that are not associated with any hero.

Usage[edit source]


Parameters[edit source]

  • layout: Choose one of these layouts: table, image, imageHP, or count. Default is table.
  • where: Where clauses, pretty much like SQL functions. Default is {{Cards tb|battlegroundsHero}}="1", which means to search all heroes available in Bob's Tavern.
  • orderBy: Order to sort the results. Default is {{Cards tb|name}} ASC.
  • collapsed: If true (default), the table/card image list will be collapsed after the page is reloaded, and vice versa if false.
  • limit: Maximum number of cards to display. If the limit number and the results number are too high, it will display error: "The time allocated for running scripts has expired." Default is 500.
  • offset: the number of initial cards to skip. This combines with limit for separating lists whose the number of results are very high into individual pages/articles.

Where clauses[edit source]

Here are some examples of where clauses you can use:

  • {{Cards tb|battlegroundsHero}}="1", which means to search all heroes available in Bob's Tavern.
  • NOT {{Cards tb|battlegroundsSkinParentId}} IS NULL, which means to search all Battlegrounds skins and bartenders.
  • {{Cards tb|battlegroundsSkinParentId}}="57110", which means to search all Battlegrounds bartenders, excluding  Bartender Bob.
  • NOT {{Cards tb|battlegroundsSkinParentId}} IS NULL AND NOT {{Cards tb|battlegroundsSkinParentId}}="57110", which means to search all Battlegrounds hero skins.
  • {{Cards tb|battlegroundsHero}}="0" AND {{Cards tb|battlegroundsSkinParentId}} IS NULL, which means to search all heroes that are not available or skins. This includes heroes like  Bartender Bob and  Kel'Thuzad.
  • CardsHeroPower.abilities HOLDS "Passive", which means to search all heroes that has Passive Hero Powers.

Examples[edit source]

NameHealthArmorHP nameCostHero Power description
A. F. Kay 30 14 Armor.png Procrastinate Passive Skip your first two turns, then Discover two minions from Tier 3.
Al'Akir 30 13 Armor.png Swatting Insects Passive Start of Combat: Give your left-most minion Windfury, Divine Shield, and Taunt.
Alexstrasza 30 13 Armor.png Queen of Dragons Passive After you upgrade the Tavern to Tier 5, Discover two Dragons of any Tier.
Ambassador Faelin 30 10 Armor.png Expedition Plans Passive. Skip your first turn. Discover a Tier 2, 4, and 6 minion to get at those Tiers.
Arch-Villain Rafaam 30 15 Armor.png I'll Take That! 1 Next combat, get a plain copy of the first minion you kill.
Bru'kan 30 17 Armor.png Embrace the Elements Choose an Element. Start of Combat: Call upon that Element.
C'Thun 30 19 Armor.png Saturday C'Thuns! 2 At end of turn, give a friendly minion +1/+1. Repeat 0 times. (Upgrades each turn!)
Cap'n Hoggarr 30 10 Armor.png I'm the Cap'n Now Passive After you buy a Pirate, gain 1 Gold.
Captain Eudora 30 19 Armor.png Buried Treasure 1 Dig for a Golden minion! (5 Digs left.)
Captain Hooktusk 30 16 Armor.png Trash for Treasure Remove a friendly minion. Discover one from a Tier lower to get.
Cariel Roame 30 16 Armor.png Conviction 1 Give 2 friendly minions +1/+1. (After you upgrade the Tavern, choose an improvement!)
Chenvaala 30 13 Armor.png Avalanche Passive After you play 3 Elementals, reduce the Cost of upgrading the Tavern by (3).
Cho 30 12 Armor.png Double Trouble Passive. Whenever you play a Golden minion, both you and Gall get a Triple Reward. (3 left!)
Cookie the Cook 30 5 Armor.png Stir the Pot Throw a minion in your pot. When you've gathered 3, Discover from their types. (3 left!)
Dancin' Deryl 30 10 Armor.png Hat Trick Passive. When you buy a minion, give it a +1/+1 hat that passes to a friendly minion when sold.
Death Speaker Blackthorn 30 15 Armor.png Bloodbound 1 Get 2 Blood Gems. (Twice per turn.)
Deathwing 30 12 Armor.png ALL Will Burn! Passive Start of Combat: Give ALL minions +2 Attack permanently.
Dinotamer Brann 30 18 Armor.png Battle Brand Passive. After you buy 4 Battlecry minions, get 'Brann Bronzebeard'. (Once per game.)
Doctor Holli'dae 30 8 Armor.png Blessing of the Nine Frogs 1 Get a random Tavern spell.
Drek'Thar 30 7 Armor.png Lead the Frostwolves Passive Avenge (2): Give your minions +1 Attack permanently.
Edwin VanCleef 30 19 Armor.png Sharpen Blades 1 Give a minion +1/+1. Upgrades after you buy 4 cards. (4 left!)
Elise Starseeker 30 15 Armor.png Lead Explorer 1 Discover a minion from your Tier. Costs (1) more after each use.
Enhance-o Mechano 30 15 Armor.png Enhancification Passive. After each Refresh, give a minion in the Tavern Taunt, Windfury, Reborn, or Divine Shield.
Flobbidinous Floop 30 13 Armor.png Glorious Gloop Choose a friendly minion. Start of Combat: Transform it into your teammate's highest Tier minion.
Forest Warden Omu 30 6 Armor.png Everbloom Passive After you upgrade the Tavern, gain 2 Gold.
Fungalmancer Flurgl 30 18 Armor.png Gone Fishing Passive. After you sell 5 minions, get a random Murloc. (5 left!)
Galakrond 30 17 Armor.png Galakrond's Greed 1 Choose a minion in the Tavern. Discover a higher Tier minion to replace it.
Galewing 30 7 Armor.png Dungar's Gryphon Choose a new flightpath. Complete it to get a bonus!
Gall 30 12 Armor.png Double Trouble Passive. Whenever you play a Golden minion, both you and Cho get a Triple Reward. (3 left!)
George the Fallen 30 17 Armor.png Boon of Light 2 Give a minion Divine Shield.
Guff Runetotem 30 18 Armor.png Natural Balance 1 Give a friendly minion of each Tier +2/+1.
Heistbaron Togwaggle 30 10 Armor.png The Perfect Crime 11 Steal all cards from the Tavern. Each turn, your next Hero Power costs (1) less.
Illidan Stormrage 30 14 Armor.png Wingmen Passive. Start of Combat: Your left and right-most minions gain +2/+1 and attack immediately.
Infinite Toki 30 9 Armor.png Temporal Tavern 1 Refresh the Tavern. Include two minions from a Tier higher than yours.
Inge, the Iron Hymn 30 11 Armor.png Major Hymn Give a minion Attack equal to your Tier. (Swaps to Health next turn!)
Ini Stormcoil 30 8 Armor.png MechGyver Passive After 10 friendly minions die, get a random Mech.
Jandice Barov 30 15 Armor.png Swap, Lock, & Shop It Swap a friendly non-Golden minion with a random one in the Tavern.
Kael'thas Sunstrider 30 18 Armor.png Verdant Spheres Passive Every third minion you play gains +2/+2.
King Mukla 30 10 Armor.png Bananarama Passive At the start of your turn, get 2 Bananas and give everyone else one.
Kurtrus Ashfallen 30 13 Armor.png Glaive Ricochet Passive. Once per turn, after you buy 3 minions, get a plain copy of one of them. (3 left!)
Lady Vashj 30 13 Armor.png Relics of the Deep 1 Discover a Spellcraft spell of your Tier or lower. Its effect is permanent.
Lich Baz'hial 30 18 Armor.png Graveyard Shift 2 Steal a card from the Tavern. Take damage equal to its Tier.
Lord Barov 30 14 Armor.png Friendly Wager 1 Guess which player will win their next combat. If you're correct, get 3 Gold Coins.
Lord Jaraxxus 30 19 Armor.png Bloodfury 1 Choose a friendly Demon. It consumes a minion in the Tavern to gain its stats.
Madam Goya 30 5 Armor.png Efficient Exchange 2 Pass a non-Golden minion.
Maiev Shadowsong 30 16 Armor.png Imprison 1 Choose a card in the Tavern to lock in your hand. After 2 turns, unlock it.
Malygos 30 14 Armor.png Arcane Alteration Replace a card with a random one of the same Tier. (Twice per turn.)
Master Nguyen 30 8 Armor.png Power of the Storm Passive At the start of every turn, choose from 2 new Hero Powers.
Millhouse Manastorm 30 10 Armor.png Manastorm Passive. Minions and Refreshes cost 2 Gold. Upgrading the Tavern costs (1) more.
Millificent Manastorm 30 10 Armor.png Tinker Passive Whenever you summon a Mech, give it +2 Attack.
Mr. Bigglesworth 30 18 Armor.png Kel'Thuzad's Kitty Passive. After another hero dies, Discover a minion from their warband. It keeps enchantments.
Murloc Holmes 30 10 Armor.png Detective for Hire Look at 2 minions. Guess which one your next opponent had last combat for a Coin.
Mutanus the Devourer 30 13 Armor.png Devour Remove a friendly minion. Spit its stats onto another. Gain 1 Gold.
N'Zoth 30 15 Armor.png Avatar of N'Zoth Passive Start the game with a 2/2 Fish that gains all your Deathrattles in combat.
Nozdormu 30 13 Armor.png Clairvoyance Passive Your first Refresh each turn costs (0).
Onyxia 30 7 Armor.png Broodmother Passive Avenge (3): Summon a 3/1 Whelp. It attacks immediately.
Overlord Saurfang 30 19 Armor.png For the Horde! 1 Give a minion in the Tavern +2/+1. (Doubles every 3 turns!)
Ozumat 30 18 Armor.png Tentacular Passive. Start of Combat: Summon a 2/2 Tentacle with Taunt. (Gains +1/+1 after you sell a minion!)
Patches the Pirate 30 13 Armor.png Pirate Parrrrty! 3 Get a Pirate. After you buy a Pirate, your next Hero Power costs (1) less.
Patchwerk 60 All Patched Up Passive. Start with 30 extra Health.
Professor Putricide 30 16 Armor.png Build-An-Undead 4 Craft a custom Undead. (3 Creations left!)
Pyramad 30 16 Armor.png Brick by Brick Give a minion +1 Health. (Gains +1 Health each turn you don't use this!)
Queen Wagtoggle 30 15 Armor.png Wax Warband Passive. Start of Combat: Give a friendly minion of each type stats equal to its Tier.
Ragnaros the Firelord 30 20 Armor.png DIE, INSECTS! Passive After you kill 25 enemy minions, get Sulfuras. (0 left!)
Rakanishu 30 17 Armor.png Tavern Lighting 1 Give a minion stats equal to your Tier.
Reno Jackson 30 16 Armor.png Gonna Be Rich! Make a friendly minion Golden. (Once per game.)
Rock Master Voone 30 12 Armor.png Upbeat Harmony Passive. At the end of every 3 turns, get a plain copy of the left-most card in your hand. (3 turns left!)
Rokara 30 14 Armor.png Glory of Combat Passive. After a friendly minion kills an enemy, give it +1 Attack permanently.
Scabbs Cutterbutter 30 13 Armor.png I Spy 2 Discover a plain copy of a minion from your next opponent's warband.
Shudderwock 30 5 Armor.png Snicker-snack Trigger a friendly minion's Battlecry.
Silas Darkmoon 30 10 Armor.png Come One, Come All! Passive. Darkmoon Tickets are in the Tavern! Get 3 to Discover a minion of your Tier.
Sindragosa 30 20 Armor.png Stay Frosty Freeze a minion in the Tavern. Passive: At the end of your turn, Frozen minions get +2/+1.
Sir Finley Mrrgglton 30 12 Armor.png Adventure! Passive At the start of the game, Discover a Hero Power.
Sire Denathrius 30 11 Armor.png Whodunit? Passive. At the start of the game, choose one of two Quests.
Skycap'n Kragg 30 14 Armor.png Piggy Bank Gain 1 Gold. Increases each turn. (Once per game.)
Snake Eyes 30 5 Armor.png Lucky Roll 1 Roll a 6-sided die. Gain that much Gold. (Cannot be used again for that many turns!)
Sneed 30 20 Armor.png Sneed's Replicator 1 Give a minion "Deathrattle: Summon a random minion from a Tier lower."
Sylvanas Windrunner 30 18 Armor.png Reclaimed Souls 1 Give +2/+1 to your minions that died last combat.
Tae'thelan Bloodwatcher 30 18 Armor.png Reliquary Research Passive Every third Tavern spell you buy costs (1) less. (2 left!)
Tamsin Roame 30 10 Armor.png Fragrant Phylactery Start of Combat: Destroy your lowest Health minion. Give its stats to your other minions.
Tavish Stormpike 30 15 Armor.png Deadeye Take aim! Start of Combat: Deal 2 damage to your target. (Doubles every 3 turns!)
Teron Gorefiend 30 14 Armor.png Rapid Reanimation Choose a friendly minion. Start of Combat: Destroy it. Once you have space, resummon an exact copy.
Tess Greymane 30 19 Armor.png Bob's Burgles 1 Refresh the Tavern with plain copies of your last opponent's warband.
The Curator 30 13 Armor.png Menagerist Passive. Start the game with a 2/2 Amalgam with Venomous and all minion types.
The Great Akazamzarak 30 10 Armor.png Prestidigitation Choose a Secret. Put it into the battlefield.
The Jailer 30 19 Armor.png Runic Empowerment 1 Give a minion +1/+1. Upgrades after nine friendly minions die. (9 left!)
The Lich King 30 10 Armor.png Reborn Rites Give a minion Reborn until next turn.
The Nameless One 30 10 Armor.png [x] Passive. Start of Game: Copy your teammate's Hero Power.
The Rat King 30 9 Armor.png A Tale of Kings 2 Discover a minion of a specific minion type. Swaps type each turn.
Thorim, Stormlord 30 15 Armor.png Choose Your Champion Passive. At the start of the game, Discover a Tier 7 minion to get after you spend 65 Gold. (65 left!)
Tickatus 30 16 Armor.png Prize Wall Passive Every 4 turns, Discover a Darkmoon Prize. (3 turns left!)
Trade Prince Gallywix 30 5 Armor.png Smart Savings 1 Passive After you sell a minion, get 1 extra Gold next turn.
Vanndar Stormpike 30 10 Armor.png Lead the Stormpikes Passive Avenge (2): Give your minions +1 Health permanently.
Varden Dawngrasp 30 15 Armor.png Twice as Nice Passive. After the Tavern is Refreshed, copy its highest Tier minion and Freeze them both.
Vol'jin 30 15 Armor.png Spirit Swap Choose two minions. Swap their stats.
Xyrella 30 8 Armor.png See the Light 2 Choose a minion in the Tavern. Set its stats to 2 and add it to your hand.
Y'Shaarj 30 16 Armor.png Embrace Your Rage 2 Start of Combat: Summon and get a minion of your Tier.
Yogg-Saron, Hope's End 30 14 Armor.png Puzzle Box 2 Steal a random minion from the Tavern. Give it +1/+1.
Ysera 30 10 Armor.png Dream Portal Passive The Tavern offers an extra Dragon whenever it is Refreshed.
Zephrys, the Great 30 17 Armor.png Three Wishes 3 If you have two copies of a minion, find the third. (3 Wishes left!)

See also[edit source]