Template:Battlegrounds/The Curator strategy

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Amalgam has the coveted All minion type, which is only shared by Amalgadon, a Tier 6 minion. Belonging to every minion tribe makes the Amalgam extremely versatile, allowing it to get buffed by nearly every card. It can fit into almost any composition, ramps up more easily, and gets easier access to powerful Keyword effects like Divine Shield (through Annoy-o-Module) and Poisonous (through Toxfin). It also works well with  Menagerie Mug,  Menagerie Jug, and Lightfang Enforcer, requiring less effort to buff as many minions as possible. On top of that, having an extra 2/2 at the start of the game gives the Curator a slight edge in early matches. For this reason, the Curator is a strong and reliable pick for most strategies.

Be conscious of the available minion types when the Curator is a possible hero choice. Without Mechs in the pool, the Curator loses access to Annoy-o-Module's Divine Shield, which makes the Amalgam much less powerful. Similarly, without Murlocs in the pool, the Curator loses access to Toxfin, although the Amalgam can be buffed to high stats to compensate for this.

Be careful if Rafaam or Tess Greymane are among your opponents, as they can steal the powerful and flexible Amalgam.

Also note The Curator is strategically harder to get golden minions than other heroes, since he has only 6 slots to place minions as opposed to 7, with the Amalgam being not upgrade-able. Building stats of minion should be prioritized over golden minions unless the latter is easily accessible.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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Remember that this is just an archived content of Strategy section that was supposed to be removed following the decision in Hearthstone Wiki:Project 13. It's up to you to review the content and keep them for a project in the future. Details to follow soon, once Project 13 is completed.