Template:Battlegrounds/Tarecgosa strategy

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Typically, you should aim to pair Tarecgosa with a Prized Promo-Drake in a dragon based build. Since Tarecgosa keeps combat buffs, this will give you a constant scaling effect every turn, which can allow you to level your tavern easier without fear of falling behind by doing so, especially in the early to mid game. In a late game strategy, a golden Tarecgosa or a golden Promo-Drake can allow Tarecgosa to become a powerhouse card very quickly. This synergy can become even stronger when paired with a Nadina deathrattle. Tarecgosa will keep the divine shield after combat, making it a good minion to put first as a bumper or as a taunt killer when paired with Prestors Pyrospawn.

Outside of a dragon build, there are other implications you can put the effect of Tarecgosa to use. If the deathrattle of Impulsive Trickster lands on Tarecgosa, she will keep that health buff forever, meaning if you have a Trickster with a large health pool, you can potentially give Tarecgosa hundreds of health points each turn. Doubly so with triples and/or  Baron Rivendare. This build works well when Murlocs are out of the game, since one or two minions with poison can end this strategy quickly.

Outside of those two builds, Tarecgosa can also just be a decent card to have on your board if you have cards like Spawn of N’zoth already on it, since at worst it will be a 4/4 that gains +1/+1 each turn.

Al’Akir’s is very synergistic with Tarecgosa as well, since it will keep the Taunt, Divine Shield and Windfury from the start of combat effect of his Hero Power, or from his buddy. Same goes for Illidan Stormrages hero power and buddy, but can potentially be better since Tarecgosa will keep the immune effect of the buddy when attacking, which can be game winning if used properly.

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