Template:Azalina Soulthief (boss) strategy

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Azalina is the definition of a challenge as she pulls no punches. Unfinished Business shall be your bane depending on the deck you build. While 3 1/1 wisps may not be scary, her combos with her other cards will show you why these wisps are dangerous. The greatest challenge you will face from Azalina will be your low mana. As you start with only 1, it may be too late by the time you get to 5 mana. Another ability she posses is the ability to steal your minions with a low cost card.

Darius Crowley

Darius is perhaps the easiest way to win this fight. As long as you can put multiple cannons on the board and upgrade their damage, Azalina will be easy prey. If you are playing an Enrage deck and have stuff like Blood Razor, you can clear the board, just try not to let her buff them first.

Houndmaster Shaw

Because Azalina's board is always going to be occupied with minions,  Unleash the Hounds generates at least 3 considering she is liable to hit her "Summon 3 wisps" hero power every turn. Combine this with a  Scavenging Hyena or a  Flesheating Ghoul and prioritize clearing the wisps while they're 1/1's because of the threat of Soul Assimilation.

Toki, Time-Tinker

Try to highroll for board clear and keep her wisps down as much as you can. The  Double Time passive treasure can mean even  Arcane Explosion is liable to wipe her whole board. Combine with  Robe of the Magi for permanent passive spellpower if needed. This allows  Arcane Missiles and such to clear most of her board reliably (plus you got your Hero Power).

Tess Greymane

If you can recur  Fan of Knives consistently with your hero power and have either the Sticky Fingers or  Cult of the Wolf passive treasure then you can clear the wisps at minimal cost. Try to keep your minions low to not lose too much to Azalina's signature card "Soul Assimilation", which can come suddenly after a Whispering Woods.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

GILA BOSS 55h.png

Remember that this is just an archived content of Strategy section that was supposed to be removed following the decision in Hearthstone Wiki:Project 13. It's up to you to review the content and keep them for a project in the future. Details to follow soon, once Project 13 is completed.