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To ability or not to ability[edit source]

I'm sympathetic to the creation of this page, but I'm not sure it should be here. "Swap" isn't really a distinct effect within the game: if the text were "Swap target minion" and that meant to exchange its Attack and Health, that would be a distinct effect; but when the text is "Swap the Health and Attack of a minion", it's just normal English. The word "swap" is also used on  Alarm-o-Bot, with a completely different effect.

The one point I think stands in favour of having a "swap" page is that it could provide a place to share standard information on "the  Crazed Alchemist effect". However, while this is something we could do, this doesn't make it correct to call "swap" an ability. A section on Attribute would be a better location for that if we wanted to make a centralised place for that info. -- Taohinton (talk) 23:11, 17 December 2015 (UTC)