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Mana efficiency[edit source]

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I would say this card is extremely mana efficient. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs) 22:45, 5 February 2015‎‎

I guess we could compare it to, say,  Frostbolt/ Darkbomb/ Lightning Bolt (2 mana) plus a generic 3/3 (worth less than 3 mana; compare  Spider Tank /  Injured Blademaster), so maybe it's "worth" 4-5 mana. But then you have to factor in its
  • unreliability (maybe it only does 2 when you really needed it to hit its average),
  • inflexibility (maybe you have to "waste" the damage because you just really needed the imps, or maybe you really need the damage but you don't have the mana to pay for the "value added"),
  • and the fact that 3 1/1s aren't necessarily as good as a 3/3 (more easily picked off by hero abilities or distributed amongst opponent's stronger minions).
So my opinion is it's not "extremely" mana efficient; the current wording sounds fair to me. - jerodast (talk) 00:27, 6 February 2015 (UTC)