Mysteries of the Stormwind

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Mysteries of the Stormwind are mysteries released in Patch The clue to access their puzzles are "Burn my sight", which are mentioned in their corresponding achievements.

Rewards[edit | edit source]

Achievement Category 2Achievement SubCategory 149 logoGameplay - Stormwind - Neutral???Burn my sight.100 Achievement Point.png
Achievement Category 2Achievement SubCategory 149 logoGameplay - Stormwind - Neutral???Burn my sight.100 Achievement Point.png, Gift of Elune Card Back
Card back
Gift of Elune

Puzzle 1[edit | edit source]

How to access[edit | edit source]

The player needs to play  Moonfire on their  Oracle of Elune. They are not required to be played at the same turn.

Oracle of Elune

Rules[edit | edit source]

  • The puzzle takes place in a maze, similar to Puzzle 3: The Door in Mysteries of the Barrens.
  • The minion, informally called a "portal", on the player's side is the player's current position in the maze. It always has 1 attack. Letting it attack a "portal" in the opponent's side will move the player to that position, and give it +1 attack.
  • The player can use Hero Power to "flip vertical" their view of maze.
  • If a "portal" dies, the whole puzzle resets.

Solutions[edit | edit source]

The goal of this puzzle to make every "portal" have only 1 health. Below is the list of step-by-steps to complete this puzzle:

    1. Attack the minion in front of you.
    2. Attack the minion to the left.
    3. Use your Hero Power.
    4. Attack the minion to the right. (wrong after this point)
    5. Use your Hero Power.
    6. Attack the minion to the right.
    7. Attack the minion in front of you.
    8. Attack the minion to the right.
    9. Attack the minion in front of you.
    10. Attack the minion to the left.
    11. Use your Hero Power.
    12. Attack the minion to the left.
    13. Use your Hero Power.
    14. Attack the minion to the left.
    15. Attack the minion in front of you.
    16. Attack the minion to the right.
    17. Use your Hero Power.
    18. Attack the minion to the right.
    19. Use your Hero Power.
    20. Attack the minion to the right.
    21. Use your Hero Power.
    22. Attack the minion to the right.
    23. Attack the minion in front of you.
    24. Use your Hero Power.
    25. Attack the minion in front of you.
    26. Use your Hero Power.
    27. Attack the minion in front of you.
    28. Use your Hero Power.
    29. Attack the minion in front of you.
    30. Attack the minion to the right.
    31. Attack the minion in front of you.
    32. Attack the minion to the right.
    33. Use your Hero Power.
    34. Attack the minion to the left.
    35. Attack the minion in front of you.
    36. Attack the minion to the left.
    37. Use your Hero Power.
    38. Attack the minion to the right.
    39. Attack the minion in front of you.
    40. Attack the minion to the right.
    41. Use your Hero Power.
    42. Attack the minion to the left.
    43. Attack the minion in front of you.
    44. Attack the minion to the left.
    45. Use your Hero Power.
    46. Attack the minion to the left.
    47. Use your Hero Power.
    48. Attack the minion to the left.
    49. Use your Hero Power.
    50. Attack the minion to the left.
    51. Attack the minion in front of you.
    52. Use your Hero Power.
    53. Attack the minion in front of you.
    54. Use your Hero Power.
    55. Attack the minion in front of you.
    56. Use your Hero Power.
    57. Attack the minion in front of you.
    58. Attack the minion to the left.
    59. Attack the minion in front of you.
    60. Attack the minion to the right.
    61. Use your Hero Power.
    62. Attack the minion to the right.
    63. Use your Hero Power.
    64. Attack the minion to the right.
    65. Attack the minion in front of you.
    66. Attack the minion to the left.
    67. Use your Hero Power.
    68. Attack the minion to the left.
    69. Use your Hero Power.
    70. Attack the minion to the left.
    71. Use your Hero Power.
    72. Attack the minion to the left.
    73. Attack the minion in front of you.
    74. Attack the minion to the left.
    75. Attack the minion in front of you.
    76. Attack the minion to the right.
    77. Attack the minion in front of you.
    78. Attack the minion to the right.
    79. Attack the minion in front of you.
    80. Attack the minion to the left.
    81. Use your Hero Power.
    82. Attack the minion to the right.
    83. Use your Hero Power.
    84. Attack the minion to the left.
    85. Use your Hero Power.
    86. Attack the minion to the left.
    87. Attack the minion in front of you.
    88. Attack the minion to the left.
    89. Use your Hero Power.
    90. Attack the minion to the left.
    91. Attack the minion in front of you.
    92. Attack the minion to the left.
    93. Attack the minion in front of you.
    94. Attack the minion to the right.
    95. Use your Hero Power.
    96. Attack the minion to the right.
    97. Attack the minion in front of you.
    98. Use your Hero Power.
    99. Attack the minion in front of you.
    100. Attack the minion to the right.
    101. Use your Hero Power.
    102. Attack the minion to the right.
    103. Use your Hero Power.
    104. Attack the minion to the right.
    105. Use your Hero Power.
    106. Attack the minion to the right.
    107. Use your Hero Power.
    108. Attack the minion to the right.
    109. Attack the minion in front of you.
    110. Attack the minion to the left.
    111. Attack the minion in front of you.
    112. Use your Hero Power.
    113. Attack the minion in front of you.
    114. Attack the minion to the right.
    115. Attack the minion in front of you.
    116. Attack the minion to the left.
    117. Attack the minion in front of you.
    118. Attack the minion to the right.
    119. Attack the minion in front of you.
    120. Attack the minion to the right.
    121. Use your Hero Power.
    122. Attack the minion to the right.
    123. Attack the minion in front of you.
    124. Attack the minion to the right.
    125. Use your Hero Power.
    126. Attack the minion to the right.
    127. Use your Hero Power.
    128. Attack the minion to the right.
    129. Use your Hero Power.
    130. Attack the minion to the left.
    131. Use your Hero Power.
    132. Attack the minion to the left.
    133. Use your Hero Power.
    134. Attack the minion to the left.
    135. Use your Hero Power.
    136. Attack the minion to the left.
    137. Attack the minion in front of you.
    138. Attack the minion to the right.
    139. Use your Hero Power.
    140. Attack the minion to the right.
    141. Use your Hero Power.
    142. Attack the minion to the right.
    143. Use your Hero Power.
    144. Attack the minion to the right.
    145. Use your Hero Power.
    146. Attack the minion to the left.
    147. Attack the minion in front of you.
    148. Attack the minion to the left.
    149. Attack the minion in front of you.
    150. Use your Hero Power.
    151. Attack the minion in front of you.
    152. Use your Hero Power.
    153. Attack the minion in front of you.
    154. Use your Hero Power.
    155. Attack the minion in front of you.
    156. Attack the minion to the right.
    157. Attack the minion in front of you.
    158. Attack the minion to the left.
    159. Use your Hero Power.
    160. Attack the minion to the left.
    161. Attack the minion in front of you.
    162. Attack the minion to the left.
    163. Attack the minion in front of you.
    164. Attack the minion to the right.
    165. Attack the minion in front of you.
    166. Use your Hero Power.
    167. Attack the minion in front of you.
    168. Use your Hero Power.
    169. Attack the minion in front of you.
    170. Attack the minion to the left.
    171. Attack the minion in front of you.
    172. Use your Hero Power.
    173. Attack the minion in front of you.
    174. Use your Hero Power.
    175. Attack the minion in front of you.
    176. Use your Hero Power.
    177. Attack the minion in front of you.
    178. Attack the minion to the left.
    179. Use your Hero Power.
    180. Attack the minion to the left.
    181. Use your Hero Power.
    182. Attack the minion to the left.
    183. Attack the minion in front of you.
    184. Attack the minion to the left.
    185. Attack the minion in front of you.
    186. Attack the minion to the right.
    187. Use your Hero Power.
    188. Attack the minion to the left.
    189. Use your Hero Power.
    190. Attack the minion to the left.
    191. Use your Hero Power.
    192. Attack the minion to the right.
    193. Attack the minion in front of you.
    194. Use your Hero Power.
    195. Attack the minion in front of you.
    196. Use your Hero Power.
    197. Attack the minion in front of you.
    198. Attack the minion to the left.
    199. Attack the minion in front of you.
    200. Attack the minion to the right.
    201. Attack the minion in front of you.
    202. Use your Hero Power.
    203. Attack the minion in front of you.
    204. Use your Hero Power.
    205. Attack the minion in front of you.
    206. Attack the minion to the right.
    207. Attack the minion in front of you.
    208. Use your Hero Power.
    209. Attack the minion in front of you.
    210. Use your Hero Power.
    211. Attack the minion in front of you.
    212. Use your Hero Power.
    213. Attack the minion in front of you.
    214. Attack the minion to the right.
    215. Use your Hero Power.
    216. Attack the minion to the right.
    217. Use your Hero Power.
    218. Attack the minion to the left.
    219. Use your Hero Power.
    220. Attack the minion to the right.
    221. Attack the minion in front of you.
    222. Use your Hero Power.
    223. Attack the minion in front of you.
    224. Use your Hero Power.
    225. Attack the minion in front of you.
    226. Attack the minion to the left.
    227. Use your Hero Power.
    228. Attack the minion to the left.
    229. Use your Hero Power.
    230. Attack the minion to the right.
    231. Attack the minion in front of you.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

Jay8Kay's visual image
  • This puzzle was first solved by Windjammer on the WoW Secrets Discord on August 31.
  • The step-by-step list was first provided by Alexanderjac.
  • The visual image of the maze was first made by Jay8Kay.
  • After completing this puzzle, the game will show  Ysera the Dreamer being hit by  Lunar Eclipse, indicating the step to access the Puzzle 2.
  • Chadd Nervig provides that this puzzle was a warmup, expected to be solved in an hour or two.[1]

Puzzle 2[edit | edit source]

How to access[edit | edit source]

The player needs to play  Lunar Eclipse on their  Ysera the Dreamer. They are not required to be played at the same turn.

Ysera the Dreamer
Lunar Eclipse

This puzzle consists of 2 phases.

Puzzle 2-1[edit | edit source]

Rules[edit | edit source]

The ??? minion to target
  • On opponent's board, 7 random minions will be summoned with random stats. Player's board consists of a ??? minion with ? portrait is in the middle of two minions, which are a possible copy of one of opponent's minions.
  • The player's hand consists of these cards (one for each), which represent the minion types assigned with a unique value. These spells are Twinspells which generate themshelves, and can only target the ??? minion and whatever it transforms into.
    • After you play the first card, it transforms into a random minion with the matched minion type.
    • Playing the next 3 cards will increment its Health.
    • Playing the final 3 cards will increment its Attack.
    • Hero Power ??? to reset
      The player can use the Hero Power to reset the board state.

    Solutions[edit | edit source]

    • Because the minions are randomized, the solution will be different for everyone.
    • Assume left as your left minion's index on opponent's board.
    • Assume right as your right minion's index on opponent's board.
    • The first card to play is the last number of sum of all minion type values from left to right minions.
    • The next 3 cards to play are the last 3 numbers of sum of all Healths from left to right minions, but the numbers of the sum in reverse order.
    • The final 3 cards to play are the last 3 numbers of sum of all Attacks from left to right minions, but the numbers of the sum in reverse order.

    If you still do not understand the solution, we have provided a special form for this puzzle.

    Puzzle 2-2[edit | edit source]

    Rules[edit | edit source]

    • The opponent's board is kept the same for the rest of the phase.
    • This phase consists of 5 steps, each step has fixed left and right minions with fixed stats.
    • Completing all these steps will considered Puzzle 2 completed.

    Solutions[edit | edit source]

    Step 1
    Step 2
    Step 3
    Step 4
    Step 5

    Trivia[edit | edit source]

    • The solution to puzzle 2-2 has been accidentally leaked through the game log, which was found by a Chinese player.
    • According to Chadd Nervig:[1]
      • Opponent's board is not entirely randomly-generated, as there are a total of 299,999 fixed minions with fixed stats, and they are all in a fixed order like a chain. The program just needs to pick 7 minions that are near together.
      • Only some players may solve the puzzle 2-1 using 1:6=7 method.[2]
      • The rule of opponent's board generation makes the puzzle 2-2 a community-driven event, as it requires the players to gather all states of their board to connect them together into the original chain, then use the same solutions from puzzle 2-1 to sum all minions from left to right assigned in each step.
        • For example, at step 1, the player needs to sum all minions from 703/319 Chronobreaker to 260/820 Buccaneer. This range consists of 14 minions.
        • Each step increases the range, as well as that number of minions in the range.

    References[edit | edit source]

    1. 1.0 1.1 WoW Secrets Discord
    2. The method is explained as followed: Every 7th minion is a sum of the previous 6. We did that so that you had a 'checksum' to verify the data as people added it, so that one person's typo wouldn't screw up everything. Some people just happened to get a sequence where that checksum minion was in the 7th slot on their board.