Mercenaries/Yogg-Saron (Event)

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For other uses of Yogg-Saron, see Yogg-Saron (disambiguation).

This is another card version of  Yogg-Saron and specifically used as a visitor of event tasks from June 30 to July 16, 2022.

Collection[edit | edit source]

Tasks[edit | edit source]

Tasks from index 0 to 500
VisitorTask nameDescriptionRewardsQuote
Event Yogg-SaronTask 1: No HalftimeComplete Plaguemaw the Rotting Bounty with only 3 mercs.75  Yogg-Saron Coins▶️All will be laid bare.
Event Yogg-SaronTask 2: CampingComplete Yeti Hunter Ranel Bounty with at least 2 Night Elves In Winterspring.50  Yogg-Saron Coins, 25  Elise Starseeker Coins▶️I leave their fate to you.
Event Yogg-SaronTask 3: Sacred GrooveDestroy Snowclaw in Winterspring without destroying any Frostbite Totems.Mercenary:  Yogg-Saron (Variation 553)▶️It would be foolish to trust anyone but yourself.
Event Yogg-SaronTask 4: Stay CoolComplete Ahune the Frostlord Bounty without using any Fire abilities in Winterspring.50  Yogg-Saron Coins, 50  Lord Slitherspear Coins▶️Look around you. You are all but alone, imprisoned and marooned into an eternity of suffering.
Event Yogg-SaronTask 5: Shallow WatersComplete Heroic Siren of the Deep Bounty with at least 2 Naga in Darkshore.75  Fathom-Lord Karathress Coins, 50  Zar'jira, the Sea Witch Coins▶️<Mad Laughter>
Event Yogg-SaronTask 6: Absolutely SmashedComplete Heroic Coren Direbrew Bounty with only Casters in Blackrock Mountain.50  Yogg-Saron Coins, 50 Random coinrandom coins▶️Others blame you for their failures.
Event Yogg-SaronTask 7: Perfectly CalculatedUse Yogg-Saron's Oh My Yogg ability and win a fight.Mercenary: Golden  Yogg-Saron (Random)▶️Kill them before they kill you... do not wait any longer.
Event Yogg-SaronTask 8: Mountain RescueComplete Heroic Avalanchan battle with all your Mercs alive in Winterspring.100  Yogg-Saron Coins▶️They have turned against you! Drown them in their own deceit.
Event Yogg-SaronTask 9: Scuba DivingComplete Heroic Coral Elemental Bounty with at least 3 Naga in The Sunken City.75  Yogg-Saron Coins, 50  Queen Azshara Coins▶️They are coming for you.
Event Yogg-SaronTask 10: One To Rule AllHeal and Deal 50 damage in one battle using Yogg-Saron.Mercenary: Diamond  Yogg-Saron ▶️I will devour the world.
(10 results)

Patch changes

Card changes