Mercenaries/Y'Shaarj (Event)

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You might be looking for one of these cards: Battlegrounds/Y'Shaarj, Mercenaries/Y'Shaarj, Mercenaries/Y'Shaarj (87891), Mercenaries/Y'Shaarj (87892), Mercenaries/Y'Shaarj (89076).

This is another card version of  Y'Shaarj and specifically used as a visitor of event tasks from June 7 to June 21, 2022.

Collection[edit | edit source]

Tasks[edit | edit source]

Tasks from index 0 to 500
VisitorTask nameDescriptionRewardsQuote
Event Y'ShaarjTask 1: Mountain HikersComplete Baron Geddon Bounty with at least 2 Pirates in Blackrock Mountain.50  Y'Shaarj Coins, 25  Patches the Pirate Coins▶️Become my chosen and power beyond comprehension shall be yours to claim.
Event Y'ShaarjTask 2: Sustained No MoreLand a killing blow on Azshara, Tidemistress and Loyal Myrmidon in one turn in Queen Azshara Bounty.Mercenary:  Y'Shaarj (Variation 609)▶️Spread forth the name of Y’Shaarj.
Event Y'ShaarjTask 3: Beach DayComplete Acolyte of N'zoth Bounty with 6 Humans in Darkshore.50  Y'Shaarj Coins, 25  Reno Jackson Coins▶️All should bow before you. Make them!
Event Y'ShaarjTask 4: Fight Fire with FireComplete N'zoth Bounty with N'zoth in the party.75  Y'Shaarj Coins, 50  N'Zoth Coins▶️I require another sacrifice.
Event Y'ShaarjTask 5: No ShiversComplete Heroic Captain Shivers Bounty with at least 3 Pirates in Darkshore.75  Patches the Pirate Coins, 50  Captain Hooktusk Coins▶️Those who beg for mercy do not deserve it.
Event Y'ShaarjTask 6: Root of the ProblemComplete Ursula Windfury Bounty without Ursula attacking once in Winterspring.50  Y'Shaarj Coins, 50 Random coinrandom coins, 25  Reno Jackson Coins▶️The Black Empire shall rise again.
Event Y'ShaarjTask 7: Rage UnfoundKill at least 4 friendly characters using Y'Shaarj's Rage Unbound in a single turn.Mercenary: Golden  Y'Shaarj (Random)▶️Pay the cost of greatness.
Event Y'ShaarjTask 8: You're A Kid NowComplete Heroic N'Zoth Bounty with all your Mercs alive in Sunken City.100  Y'Shaarj Coins▶️There is no turning back.
Event Y'ShaarjTask 9: Tag TeamComplete Heroic Taran Zhu Bounty with at least 5 Pirates in Darkshore.75  Y'Shaarj Coins, 50  Captain Hooktusk Coins▶️Agony awaits those who oppose me.
Event Y'ShaarjTask 10: Visions of ConquestDeal at least 150 damage in a single turn using Y'Shaarj Defiled Attack.Mercenary: Diamond  Y'Shaarj (Variation 609)▶️Can you hear it, my champion? Once again the whispers of Old Gods permeate this land.
(10 results)

Patch changes

Card changes