Mercenaries/Quest for the Golden Monkey 4

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Quest for the Golden Monkey 4 is an ability card.

Used by

Elise Starseeker

Related cards

LT23 032P3b4.png
LT23 032P3a4.png
LT23 032P3c4.png
LT23 032P3f4.png
LT23 032P3m4.png
LT23 032P3d4.png


  • It is a series of abilities in respective order: Embark on the Quest!, Avoid the Dart Trap, Navigate the Jungle, Escape the Rolling Boulder, and The Golden Monkey.
  • After the player uses The Golden Monkey, it transforms into Embark on the Quest!


Patch changes

  • REV Logo.pngPatch (2022-08-30):
    • Now reads: "Advance through a series of 5 abilities to uncover the Golden Monkey! (Transforms at Start of Game)" (previously: "Advance through a series of 5 abilities to uncover the Golden Monkey! (transforms at start of turn)")
  • VSC Logo Adventure.pngPatch (2022-06-01):
    • Added.

External links