Mercenaries/Leeroy Jenkins (Event)

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For other uses of Leeroy Jenkins, see Leeroy Jenkins (disambiguation).

This is another card version of  Leeroy Jenkins and specifically used as a visitor of event tasks from March 22 to April 5, 2022.

Collection[edit | edit source]

Tasks[edit | edit source]

Tasks from index 0 to 500
VisitorTask nameDescriptionRewardsQuote
Event LeeroyTask 1: Take'em Down QuickComplete Smolderwing Bounty in less than 30 turns in Onyxia's Lair.50  Leeroy Jenkins Coins, 25  Nefarian Coins▶️My advice to you? LESS ROLEPLAY AND MORE GO PLAY!
Event LeeroyTask 2: Stick To The PlanComplete Dragonbone Golem Bounty with all your Mercs alive in Onyxia's Lair.Mercenary:  Leeroy Jenkins (Variation 491)▶️Follow my lead and you’ll be fine.
Event LeeroyTask 3: Lot Of Trouble In The PastLand the killing blow with Stonemaul Banner against Smolderwing in Onyxia's Lair.50  Leeroy Jenkins Coins, 25  Onyxia Coins▶️I never slow down. It's one of my greatest assets.
Event LeeroyTask 4: 32.33 RepeatingComplete Vandaar Bounty with at least 3 Orcs in Alterac Valley.50  Leeroy Jenkins Coins, 50  Vanndar Stormpike Coins▶️I never slow down. It's one of my greatest assets.
Event LeeroyTask 5: Scatter Them!Complete Heroic Fallen Guardians Bounty with only Fighters in Felwood.60  Leeroy Jenkins Coins, 25  Onyxia Coins, 25  Nefarian Coins▶️CHAAAAAAARGE!!!!!!!!! Oof, that felt good.
Event LeeroyTask 6: Divine InterventionComplete Apothecary Helbrim Bounty with only Leeroy in The Barrens.60  Leeroy Jenkins Coins, 50 Random coinrandom coins▶️Time's up, let's do this!
Event LeeroyTask 7: Leeeeeeeeeeeeeroy!Deal 200 damage with Leeroy in a single turn.Mercenary: Golden  Leeroy Jenkins (Variation 490)▶️All right chum, let's do this! On the count of three: One—LEEEROY JENKINS!
Event LeeroyTask 8: Do We Have A Soulstone?Complete Heroic Kazakus Bounty with at least 3 Dragons in Alterac Valley.70  Leeroy Jenkins Coins, 50  Kazakus, Golem Shaper Coins, 25 Random coinrandom coins▶️If anything goes badly, just blame your healer. Works every time!
Event LeeroyTask 9: A Rough PlanComplete Heroic SI:7 Smuggler Bounty in 25 turns or less in Onyxia's Lair.75  Leeroy Jenkins Coins, 50  Deathwing Coins, 25 Random coinrandom coins▶️Don’t call me hasty… I don’t know what that means.
Event LeeroyTask 10: At Least I Have Chicken...Complete Heroic Onyxia Bounty with at least 5 Humans in Onyxia's Lair.Mercenary: Diamond  Leeroy Jenkins (Variation 492)▶️And that’s the last one! Let’s do it again someday, I love working with my fans!
(10 results)

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