Mercenaries/Jaina Proudmoore

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For other uses of Jaina Proudmoore, see Jaina Proudmoore (disambiguation).

Jaina Proudmoore is a collectible caster mercenary card.

Level stats

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Max[?]
Attack 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 8
Health 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 57 59 61 63 65 67 69 72 77



Tiers by image
Icicle 1
0 Coins
Icicle 2
50 Coins
Icicle 3
125 Coins
Icicle 4
150 Coins
Icicle {0}
150 Coins

Tiers by table
TierTextSpeedCooldownAttackHealthCoins to upgrade
1 Deal 4 damage to a character. If it's Frozen, deal 8 damage instead. 7 0
2 Deal 8 damage to a character. If it's Frozen, deal 12 damage instead. 7 50
3 Deal 12 damage to a character. If it's Frozen, deal 16 damage instead. 7 125
4 Deal 13 damage to a character. If it's Frozen, deal 22 damage instead. 7 150
5 Deal 14 damage to a character. If it's Frozen, deal 29 damage instead. 7 150

Ice Floes

Tiers by image
Ice Floes 1
0 Coins
Ice Floes 2
50 Coins
Ice Floes 3
125 Coins
Ice Floes 4
150 Coins
Ice Floes {0}
150 Coins

Tiers by table
TierTextSpeedCooldownAttackHealthCoins to upgrade
1 Deal 4 damage. Gain +1 Frost Damage. 6 0
2 Deal 7 damage. Gain +2 Frost Damage. 6 50
3 Deal 10 damage. Gain +3 Frost Damage. 6 125
4 Deal 11 damage. Gain +3 Frost Damage. 6 150
5 Deal 12 damage. Gain +3 Frost Damage. 6 150

Water Elemental

Tiers by image
Water Elemental 1
0 Coins
Water Elemental 2
50 Coins
Water Elemental 3
125 Coins
Water Elemental 4
150 Coins
Water Elemental {0}
150 Coins

Tiers by table
TierTextSpeedCooldownAttackHealthCoins to upgrade
1 Taunt. Whenever this damages a character, Freeze them. 5 1 3 6 0
2 Taunt. Whenever this damages a character, Freeze them. 5 1 6 10 50
3 Taunt. Whenever this damages a character, Freeze them. 5 1 10 14 125
4 Taunt. Whenever this damages a character, Freeze them. 5 1 11 15 150
5 Taunt. Whenever this damages a character, Freeze them. 5 1 12 16 150


Frost Shards

Tiers by image
Frost Shards 1
0 Coins
Frost Shards 2
100 Coins
Frost Shards 3
150 Coins
Frost Shards {0}
175 Coins

Tiers by table
TierTextCoins to upgrade
1 Icicle deals 2 more damage. 0
2 Icicle deals 3 more damage. 100
3 Icicle deals 4 more damage. 150
4 Icicle deals 5 more damage. 175

Frost Dust

Tiers by image
Frost Dust 1
0 Coins
Frost Dust 2
100 Coins
Frost Dust 3
150 Coins
Frost Dust {0}
175 Coins

Tiers by table
TierTextCoins to upgrade
1 Water Elemental has an additional +1/+2. 0
2 Water Elemental has an additional +2/+4. 100
3 Water Elemental has an additional +3/+6. 150
4 Water Elemental has an additional +4/+8. 175

Ice Block Talisman

Tiers by image
Ice Block Talisman {0}
0 Coins

Tiers by table
TierTextCoins to upgrade
1 Passive: The first time this Merc would take fatal damage, prevent it and become Immune this turn. 0



Jaina has these portraits, each can be obtained by meeting one of the criterias mentioned in the caption of the preview image.

Coin loots

Jaina Coins can be obtained by opening Mercenaries Packs or completing one of these bounties which have higher chance to drop them.

Blackrock Mountain
LETL 839H MercPortrait0.png
Alterac Valley
LETL 849H MercPortrait0.png


Tasks from index 0 to 500
VisitorTask nameDescriptionRewardsQuote
Jaina ProudmooreTask 1: Served ColdDeal 80 damage using Icicle.20 Random coinrandom coins, 50 Jaina Proudmoore Coins▶️My enemies are close. Will you help me defend against them?
Jaina ProudmooreTask 2: Believe in MagicDeal 85 damage using Ice Floes.Equipment:  Frost Dust 1▶️The Horde and Alliance can coexist. And this place proves it.
Jaina ProudmooreTask 3: Tearing You ApartSummon a Water Elemental 12 times.25 Random coinrandom coins, 50 Jaina Proudmoore Coins▶️Time is of the essence.
Jaina ProudmooreTask 4: Press Forward!Deal 150 damage.30 Random coinrandom coins, 50 Jaina Proudmoore Coins▶️My magic is unrivaled. But having more never hurt anything.
Jaina ProudmooreTask 5: The Battle Awaits UsComplete a bounty while at level 30.35 Random coinrandom coins, 50 Jaina Proudmoore Coins▶️Time to turn the tide.
Jaina ProudmooreTask 6: Let's Try That AgainDestroy 40 minions.40 Random coinrandom coins, 50 Jaina Proudmoore Coins▶️The currents of magic are in upheaval.
Jaina ProudmooreTask 7: Watch OutComplete 2 Heroic Bounties.Equipment:  Ice Block Talisman {0}▶️There’s much to be done.
Jaina ProudmooreTask 8: A Chance OpportunityUse the Boon: Caster coin 2 times.30 Random coinrandom coins, 60 Jaina Proudmoore Coins▶️Let's tend to this quickly.
Jaina ProudmooreTask 9: A Little HelpDeal 200 damage.35 Random coinrandom coins, 60 Jaina Proudmoore Coins▶️Shhh... I'm trying to think here.
Jaina ProudmooreTask 10: That's a Magic MomentDeal 270 damage using Ice Floes.40 Random coinrandom coins, 60 Jaina Proudmoore Coins▶️The cold never bothered me. However, it might bother them…
Jaina ProudmooreTask 11: This Should be QuickDeal 450 damage.45 Random coinrandom coins, 60 Jaina Proudmoore Coins▶️Time is of the essence.
Jaina ProudmooreTask 12: That Was CloseDeal 30 or more damage in one turn using Ice Floes 15 times.50 Random coinrandom coins, 60 Jaina Proudmoore Coins▶️Shhh... I'm trying to think here.
Jaina ProudmooreTask 13: This Should be GoodComplete 4 Heroic Bounties.50 Random coinrandom coins, 70 Jaina Proudmoore Coins, 50 Random coinrandom coins▶️There’s much to be done.
Jaina ProudmooreTask 14: Chill Out For a BitDeal 900 Frost Damage with a team that includes this Mercenary.50 Random coinrandom coins, 70 Jaina Proudmoore Coins, 75 Random coinrandom coins▶️The currents of magic are in upheaval.
Jaina ProudmooreTask 15: You're the Next to FallComplete 6 Bounties.75 Random coinrandom coins, 70 Jaina Proudmoore Coins, 75 Random coinrandom coins▶️Time to turn the tide.
Jaina ProudmooreTask 16: It's Nothing PersonalDeal 900 damage to Protectors.CardPack629.pngMercenaries, 70 Jaina Proudmoore Coins▶️My magic is unrivaled. But having more never hurt anything.
Jaina ProudmooreTask 17: It's Going to be IcyDeal 900 Frost Damage with a team that includes this Mercenary.CardPack629.pngMercenaries, 75 Jaina Proudmoore Coins▶️Let's tend to this quickly.
Jaina ProudmooreTask 18: This Isn't Your DayDeal 450 damage to Heroic bosses.80 Jaina Proudmoore Coins, CardPack629.pngMercenaries▶️The cold never bothered me. However, it might bother them…
(18 results)

External links