Mercenaries/Arcane Fling 3

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This article is using {{Card template v2}}.
See the Editor's Handbook and style guide for info on how to edit this kind of article.

Arcane Fling 3 is an ability card.

Used by

Blink Fox


Patch changes

  • VSC Logo.pngPatch (2022-05-10):
    • keywords: COMBO to .
    • Targeting arrow text is now "Deal damage to an enemy." (previously: "Deal damage to a character.").
    • Now reads: "Deal {0} damage to an enemy. If it hasn't acted yet, deal {1} instead." (previously: "Deal 8 damage. Arcane Combo: Deal 16 damage instead.@Deal 10 damage. Arcane Combo: Deal 18 damage instead.@Deal 11 damage. Arcane Combo: Deal 19 damage instead.@Deal 12 damage. Arcane Combo: Deal 20 damage instead.@Deal 13 damage. Arcane Combo: Deal 21 damage instead.")
  • United in Stormwind logo.pngPatch (2021-10-12):
    • Added.

External links