Help:Style guide/Mercenaries bounty encounters

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This page will provide you how to understand and edit the Category:Mercenaries bounty encounters articles.

Encounter is a pre-determined setup before a Hearthstone game starts. In the client system, encounter is internally called Scenario.

Editing policies for this category of articles can be found in Hearthstone Wiki:Editing policies/Mercenaries bounty encounters.

Structure[edit source]

You can also check out {{CustomBountyScenario preload}} and {{CustomBountyScenario preload/advanced}}. The basic form will allow you to insert information using wiki names and card names, while the advanced form will do the same, but using ids instead of names. In many cases, we encourage you to use the advanced form instead of the basic form.

You can access to both of these forms in Category:Mercenaries bounties articles.

Generally, a Mercenaries bounty encounter article will have the following content.

{{CustomBountyScenario table
{{CustomBountyScenario description}}

{{CustomBountyScenario bounties}}

{{CustomBountyScenarioCharacter intro}}
{{CustomBountyScenarioCharacter query}}
{{CustomBountyScenarioCharacter outro}}

'''Game tips'''
*Tip 1
*Tip 2...
'''Collection tips'''
*Tip 1
*Tip 2...

Start of Game
::<sm2>Audio filename</sm2> Voiceline
::<sm2>Audio filename</sm2> Voiceline
<Character> using <ability name>
::<sm2>Audio filename</sm2> Voiceline

==Patch changes==
*{{Patch <version>.<build>}} <content goes here>

{{CustomBountyScenario table}} and storing[edit source]

Hearthstone Wiki provides a custom table called CustomBountyScenario to store the encounters' information, since these encounters happen in server side and we can't get those information directly. The only way to extract the information is through manual and traditional way: Playing game. {{CustomBountyScenario table}} is used to store such information into the table.

  • While we have both wikiIds and wikiNames parameters available, we suggest you use wikiIds parameters, since they don't require searching through {{CustomBountyScenarioCharacter table}}.
  • In many cases, wikiIds provide a presistent identification to the character, while the wikiNames can be changed at any time. When such scenarios happen, it will require you to edit the wikiNames in many other articles accordingly, thus consuming a lot of time.

Bounties[edit source]

In this section, we use {{CustomBountyScenario bounties}} to write a readable table that lists all bounties that may have this encounter. The list of bounties will be determined by bountyIds and bountyPages defined in {{CustomBountyScenario table}}.

Characters[edit source]

This section will mainly compose of 4 templates:

{{CustomBountyScenarioCharacter table}} will not be required if all characters you need for an encounter have already been defined in other articles.

{{CustomBountyScenarioCharacter table}} and storing[edit source]

Hearthstone Wiki provides a custom table called CustomBountyScenarioCharacter to store the encounters' characters. In the encounters, these characters often use existing card data in client, but then heavily modified in actual game, making the card data useless to use. Notably, Attack, Health and card texts are among the most common attributes that are conflicted with the client data. {{CustomBountyScenarioCharacter table}} is used to store such information into the table.

  • We use a custom id called wikiId so that we can reuse it in other articles if needed. wikiName is often served as a codename rather than an actual name. While it may not be inconsistent, it can be handy when we want to look for a specific character without requiring you to look up a lot of other tables, so both of these custom parameters will be required.
    • The last wikiId that has been used is 1. You can use |wikiId=2 for the next character you want to define. You can also visit {{CustomBountyScenarioCharacter table}} to see the full table.
  • We currently don't know how exactly the Level, Attack, and Health are determined in game, so we create min and max parameters of each attribute (minLevel, maxHealth) so that we can give the players a range of expected values of these attributes.
  • While we have both abilityDbfIds and abilityPages parameters available, we suggest you use abilityIds parameters, since they don't require searching through the card data and true to the Blizzard's design.
  • In many cases, abilityIds provide a presistent identification to the card, while the abilityPages can be changed when the card is renamed (even when we try to accomplish where only one card can be stored in one page). When such scenarios happen, it will require you to edit the abilityNames in many other articles accordingly, thus consuming a lot of time.

Saving changes[edit source]

  • It's important to preview changes first before saving.
    • Recheck ids and names parameters.
  • After you save changes for the first time, make another null edit (Edit -> Save Changes immediately) if you use {{CustomBountyScenarioCharacter table}} so that the new data can be represented in their article.