Carlos Larkin

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Carlos Larkin

Carlos Larkin is a voice actor for the cards listed here.



This section will list a maximum of 500 cards only.

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Collectible Constructed cards
Collectible Constructed cards
Swipe left or right to see the cards.
HERO 05ad.png
HERO 01ag.png
HERO 01q.png
HERO 01a.png
HERO 01t.png
LOE 077.png
KAR 114.png
GVG 063.png
ICC 858.png
SW 047.png
TOY 829.png
ULD 156.png
DEEP 020.png
DAL 609.png

Tavern Brawl cards

This section will list a maximum of 50 cards only.

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Tavern Brawl cards
Tavern Brawl cards
Swipe left or right to see the cards.
TB TempleOutrun Brann.png
TB HeadlessHorseman H1.png
TB TempleOutrunHHorsema.png

Boss cards

This section will list a maximum of 50 cards only.

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Boss cards
Boss cards
Swipe left or right to see the cards.
DALA BOSS 69h.png
ULDA Brann.png
Story 01 Kalec.png
Story 07 Kalecgos.png

Battlegrounds[edit source]


This section will list a maximum of 50 cards only.

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Battlegrounds minions
Battlegrounds minions
Swipe left or right to see the cards.
BGS 041 Battlegrounds.png

Mercenaries[edit source]

Other cards[edit source]

External links