Template:Xatma, Plague Lord of Death notes

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  • As a Plague Lord boss:
    • If the player loses against a Plague Lord, its current Health will be its new maximum Health should the player encounter it again.
    • The number of turns is unlimited in this encounter.
    • Plague Lord's Hero Power and deck depend on their current Health.
      • If it is between 201-300, it uses Phase 1's Hero Power and deck.
      • If it is between 101-200, it uses Phase 2's.
      • If it is below 100, it uses Phase 3's.
      • During the phase change, the Plague Lord will draw extra cards. Their deck is also completely replaced by a new one.
      • If its Health is "set" by  Flex-plosion, its Hero Power and deck stay the same until it is damaged by any means.
      • If a phase change occurs while drawing  Corrupted Blood (from  Hakkar, the Soulflayer), then the whole deck will still be replaced in the very moment the life of the Plague Lord drops below 100/200, but for each  Corrupted Blood drawn until that point, 2 copies will be placed into the new deck. Hence any strategy of killing a Plague Lord involving  Hakkar, the Soulflayer should try to maximize the number of Corrupted Bloods the Plague Lord draws that turn. Example: If a Plague Lord has only bloods in his deck, but starts his turn with 102 health, then one blood is drawn, then the deck is replaced, the hand is refilled and finally 2 new bloods will be placed into the remaining deck. If the Plague Lord has say 16 bloods and 120 health at the start of his turn, then he will draw 7 of the 16 bloods, shift to the new phase, replace his deck, refill his hand and finally 14 new bloods are placed into the remaining deck.
  • If Death's Gaze kills a minion, it will always add only one copy of  Untimely Demise to Xatma's hand, regardless of the number of minions killed.
    This template contains notes for these cards.

ULDA BOSS 37h.png

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