Template:The Voraxx notes

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  • The Voraxx casts the copied spell, not the player.[1]
  • With the exception of Druid "Choose One" spells, if the spell played on the Voraxx has a choice effect (Ex.  Adaptation), it will first give choices to apply on the Voraxx, followed by choices to apply on the Plant.
  • If the spell played on the Voraxx is a Choose One spell, the chosen effect will apply to both the Voraxx and the Plant.
  • If a spell cast on the Voraxx kills it, it will neither summon the Plant, nor cast a copy of the spell.
    • Example: You summon The Voraxx, then cast  Tidal Surge on it. The spell lethally damages The Voraxx, and restores 4 Health to your hero. Because The Voraxx is lethally damaged, it will not summon a Plant, and your hero will not be healed a second time.
    • Example: You have The Voraxx in play with an enchantment increasing its stats to 5/5. You cast  Tidal Surge on it, damaging The Voraxx for 4 and restoring 4 Health to your hero. Now The Voraxx is not lethally damaged, so it will summon a 1/1 Plant and cast a copy of Tidal Surge on it. The spell kills the Plant with its 4 damage, and restores another 4 Health to your hero.

This template contains notes for these cards.

UNG 843.png

Usually note templates are only created when the card's note is intended to be recycled in multiple articles, so that when you edit this template, all notes of this card on every page will be updated simultaneously.

  1. Peter Whalen on Twitter (X). (2017-04-02).