Template:Quest article table

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This template is used to query quest data. Mainly used in Quest article.

Parameters[edit source]

{{Quest article table

Parameters[edit source]

  • returns: Set this parameter's value equal to
    • daily to return Daily quests
    • weekly to return Weekly quests
    • legendary to return Legendary quests. This is default.
  • useReferences: If true, it will display the references. Template:Refn or <references /> must be used.
  • where: Where clauses, pretty much like SQL functions. Available parameters are in Template:Quest table. Beware that this will override the pre-set where clauses made by returns.
  • orderBy: Order to sort the results. Default is ID ASC.
  • collapsed: If true (default), the table list will be collapsed after the page is reloaded, and vice versa if false.
  • limit: Maximum number of quests to display. If the limit number and the results number are too high, it will display error: "The time allocated for running scripts has expired." Default is 300.
  • offset: the number of initial quests to skip. This combines with limit for separating lists whose the number of results are very high into individual pages/articles.

Examples[edit source]

{{Quest article table|returns=daily|orderBy=rewardTrackXp ASC}} returns:

924Deal 80 damage to enemy heroes.800 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
25Play 3 games.900 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
26Deal 65 damage to enemy heroes.900 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
82Play 30 cards.900 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
83Play 25 minions.900 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
84Play 25 spells.900 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
85Use your Hero Power 5 times.900 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
87Win 2 games.900 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
90Draw 30 cards.900 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
903Deal 80 damage to enemy heroes.900 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
91Take 20 turns.900 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
92Destroy 25 minions.900 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
20Play 3 games as Druid, Mage, or Paladin.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
21Play 3 games as Druid, Rogue, or Shaman.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
22Play 2 Tavern Brawls.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
23Play 10 Murlocs.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
34Play 3 games as Rogue, Warlock, or Warrior.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
35Play 3 games as Rogue, Shaman, or Warrior.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
36Play 3 games as Shaman, Warlock, or Warrior.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
37Play 3 games as Demon Hunter, Druid, or Priest.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
38Play 3 games as Priest, Rogue, or Warlock.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
39Play 3 games as Demon Hunter, Hunter, or Priest.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
40Play 3 games as Demon Hunter, Mage, or Rogue.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
41Play 3 games as Demon Hunter, Mage, or Shaman.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
42Play 3 games as Demon Hunter, Mage, or Warlock.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
43Play 3 games as Demon Hunter, Paladin, or Shaman.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
433Play 12 Undead.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
434Play 3 games as Death Knight, Demon Hunter, or Druid.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
435Play 3 games as Death Knight, Hunter, or Mage.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
436Play 3 games as Death Knight, Paladin, or Priest.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
437Play 3 games as Death Knight, Rogue, or Shaman.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
438Play 3 games as Death Knight, Warlock, or Warrior.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
439Play 3 games as Death Knight, Demon Hunter, or Warrior.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
44Play 3 games as Demon Hunter, Paladin, or Warrior.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
440Play 3 games as Death Knight, Druid, or Warlock.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
441Play 3 games as Death Knight, Hunter, or Shaman.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
442Play 3 games as Death Knight, Mage, or Rogue.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
443Play 3 games as Death Knight, Demon Hunter, or Paladin.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
444Play 3 games as Death Knight, Priest, or Warlock.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
445Play 3 games as Death Knight, Hunter, or Warrior.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
45Play 3 games as Demon Hunter, Priest, or Rogue.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
46Play 3 games as Demon Hunter, Priest, or Shaman.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
47Play 3 games as Druid, Hunter, or Mage.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
48Play 3 games as Druid, Hunter, or Paladin.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
487Cast 12 Arcane or Fel spells.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
488Cast 12 Arcane or Holy spells.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
489Cast 12 Frost or Shadow spells.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
49Play 3 games as Druid, Hunter, or Priest.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
490Cast 12 Fire or Shadow spells.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
491Cast 12 Fel or Nature spells.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
492Cast 12 Fire or Nature spells.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
493Cast 12 Frost or Holy spells.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
50Play 3 games as Druid, Hunter, or Rogue.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
51Play 3 games as Druid, Mage, or Shaman.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
52Play 3 games as Druid, Mage, or Warrior.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
53Play 3 games as Druid, Warlock, or Warrior.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
54Play 3 games as Hunter, Mage, or Paladin.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
55Play 3 games as Hunter, Mage, or Warlock.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
56Play 3 games as Hunter, Paladin, or Priest.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
57Play 3 games as Hunter, Shaman, or Warrior.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
58Play 3 games as Mage, Paladin, or Priest.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
59Play 3 games as Mage, Priest, or Rogue.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
60Play 3 games as Mage, Rogue, or Shaman.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
61Play 3 games as Mage, Warlock, or Warrior.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
62Play 3 games as Paladin, Priest, or Rogue.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
63Play 3 games as Paladin, Priest, or Shaman.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
64Play 3 games as Paladin, Priest, or Warrior.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
65Play 3 games as Paladin, Warlock, or Warrior.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
66Play 3 games as Priest, Shaman, or Warlock.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
67Play 3 games as Rogue, Shaman, or Warlock.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
68Play 20 Battlecry cards.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
69Play 12 Beasts.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
70Play 12 Dragons.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
72Trigger your Deathrattle effects 10 times.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
73Have your Taunt minions or Mercenaries take damage 10 times.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
74Play 4 weapons.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
75Play 6 cards that cost 7 or more.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
76Play 25 cards that cost 3 or less.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
77Play 10 odd-cost cards.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
78Play 10 even-cost cards.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
787Play 8 Miniaturize or Mini cards.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
79Play 8 minions that cost 1.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
80Play 1 card that costs 10.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
901Play 12 Drink spells.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
923Deal 80 damage to enemy heroes.1000 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
114Challenge a friend. You both earn a reward!1500 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
151Play 3 games with Nozdormu the Eternal in your starting deck.1500 Rewards Track - XP.pngYes
152Play 3 games with Nozdormu the Eternal in your starting deck.1500 Rewards Track - XP.pngYes
153Play 3 games with Nozdormu the Eternal in your starting deck.1500 Rewards Track - XP.pngYes
154Play 3 games with Nozdormu the Eternal in your starting deck.1500 Rewards Track - XP.pngYes
155Play 3 games with Nozdormu the Eternal in your starting deck.1500 Rewards Track - XP.pngYes
156Play 3 games with Nozdormu the Eternal in your starting deck.1500 Rewards Track - XP.pngYes
157Play 3 games with Nozdormu the Eternal in your starting deck.1500 Rewards Track - XP.pngYes
158Play 3 games with Nozdormu the Eternal in your starting deck.1500 Rewards Track - XP.pngYes
159Play 3 games with Nozdormu the Eternal in your starting deck.1500 Rewards Track - XP.pngYes
160Play 3 games with Nozdormu the Eternal in your starting deck.1500 Rewards Track - XP.pngYes
161Play 3 games with Nozdormu the Eternal in your starting deck.1500 Rewards Track - XP.pngYes
162Play 3 games with Nozdormu the Eternal in your starting deck.1500 Rewards Track - XP.pngYes
24Play 50 Battlecry cards.1500 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
29Watch a friend win a game or bounty in Spectator Mode.1500 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo

{{Quest article table|returns=weekly|orderBy=rewardTrackXp ASC}} returns:

925Deal 80 damage to enemy heroes.800 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
28Use your Hero Power 30 times.2250 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
71Play 75 Battlecry cards.2250 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
788Play 10 Miniaturize or Mini cards.2250 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
89Deal 400 damage to enemy heroes.2250 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
902Play 15 Drink spells.2250 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
926Complete 5 Daily Quests.2250 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
93Spend 650 mana.2250 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
97Play 5 games of Tavern Brawl, Arena, or Battlegrounds.2250 Rewards Track - XP.pngNo
98Play 10 games of Hearthstone's Ranked Mode.3000 Rewards Track - XP.pngYes

{{Quest article table|returns=legendary}} returns: