Template:High Priestess Jeklik (boss) strategy

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Challenges 1 and 2 are very easy, due to Jeklil pretty much knocking herself out.

For Challenge 3-5, ensure that you quickly destroy the Shrine! Otherwise, if you are unlucky, powerful Demons like  Voidlord will be spawned. Once you kill the Shrine, Jeklil will probably discard her whole hand. Hope that she plays  Howlfiend before completing the Quest. If she does, you can damage it to help her complete the quest, then damage it more to discard the reward! For all of them, it is very likely that she will discard her whole hand, and her Shrine will be useless since she has no cards left to discard, making it an easy game.

For Challenges 6-8, Jeklil will play her self-damaging cards very carelessly. She might even play them while her Shrine is down. Hence, you must periodically shut down her Shrine, making her kill herself. Remember to have control over the board; she has no good removal. It is actually easy to beat her as long as you shut down her Shrine and have decent control on the board.

Gallery[edit source]

High Priestess Jeklik, full art

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TRLA 206h.png

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