Template:Eaglehorn Bow strategy

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The Eaglehorn Bow is an excellent card, especially for decks that heavily specialize in Secrets. The increased Durability this card receives whenever a friendly Secret is revealed helps ensure you will have a weapon available to harass your enemy with. However, its utility and strong stats mean a single copy is often included even in hunter decks without Secrets.

Hunters commonly use the first point of this weapon's Durability to attack a minion or even the enemy hero, before then waiting to gain additional Durability from Secret reveals before using the bow again. However, the hunter may consume the entirely in order to attack a critical minion or push for lethal, or simply because they have another weapon in their hand, or have already used all of their Secrets.

Commonly combined with  Mad Scientist in Wild format decks.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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