Template:Chess strategy

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With the exception of the  White Knight and  Black Knight, the pieces in this fight do not attack as normal. Rather, they auto-attack at the end of the owner's turn against the opponent's minions across from them. If the human and computer players have an uneven number of pieces on the board, auto-attack minions except those on the edges will attack both minions across from them. If an auto-attack minion has no minions directly or diagonally across from it, it will deal damage to the enemy hero. As with all end-of-turn effects, minions which have taken fatal damage will not be removed until all pieces have completed their auto-attacks.


Heroic is the exact same fight as normal with two exceptions. First, the player's deck is reduced from 30 to 15 cards (mulligan included) while the boss' deck remains at 30 cards, so the player will need to win fairly quickly. Second, instead of discovering a minion, the Heroic version of the player's Hero Power Castle moves a piece to the left instead. This makes the encounter winnable only with careful thought and consideration (as well as a bit of luck).

The opponent's Cheat will be a major obstacle, and from around turn 6 onward you will have to deal with losing a piece every turn. Always attempt to leave a Pawn at the left-hand side of the board, ideally a damaged one. Castle is primarily useful for countering Cheat, although it can also help to optimise positioning, such as ensuring your  White Queen strikes two enemy pieces.

The key to the encounter is to make the most of each piece's damage (and healing) potential, and to remove priority targets quickly - Knights are useful for this. Beyond that, remember not to play too carefully - Cheat, plus the player's small supply of cards, means the player will eventually lose no matter how well they play, and victory can often be claimed a few turns early by focusing on going face.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

KAR a10 Boss2.png

Remember that this is just an archived content of Strategy section that was supposed to be removed following the decision in Hearthstone Wiki:Project 13. It's up to you to review the content and keep them for a project in the future. Details to follow soon, once Project 13 is completed.