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This template shows card images according to the criteria specified to the parameters below.

Note: All parameters below are optional. If left blank, they will not affect what cards are shown.

  |query=a Semantic MediaWiki expression of which cards should be included. If provided, this query will be used instead of all other parameters.
  |categoryname=the exact name of a category to get cards from, not including the Category prefix. Multiple names can be provided separated by commas, and cards are returned only if they are in all the given categories.
  |category=name prefix of category to get cards from, should match that used for the category parameter on Card infobox. Multiple names can be provided separated by commas, and cards are returned only if they are in all the given categories.
  |bg_type="any" to get Battlegrounds and non-Battlegrounds cards, "either" to get Battlegrounds cards only, "regular" to get only non-gold Battlegrounds cards, "gold" to get only gold Battlegrounds cards, and "none" to get only non-Battlegrounds cards ("none" is default)
  |name=name of card(s) to show
  |tier=card tier, only relevant to Battlegrounds cards (a range can be specified using a minimum and maximum separated by ~)
  |type=type of cards to show
  |subtype=subtype of cards to show
  |class=class of cards to show
  |rarity=rarity of cards to show
  |mana=mana cost of cards to show
  |attack=attack value of cards to show
  |health=health value of cards to show
  |gold=True to show only cards with a gold version, False to show only cards that do not
  |ability=show cards with this ability (currently, only one ability can be used as a selector)
  |tag=show cards with this tag (currently, only one tag can be used as a selector)
  |hiddentag=show cards with this hiddentag (currently, only one tag can be used as a selector)
  |collectible=True to show only collectible cards, False to show only uncollectible cards
  |set=page name of a set of cards to show (currently, only one set can be used as a selector)
  |sort=show cards in a certain sort order (e.g. Battlegrounds, etc.)

See also[edit source]