Template:Card data (mission)

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This is the data page for this card.

This section will contain information on the content pages using this data page.

On an actual card data page, the normal image will appear here if it exists. On an actual card data page, the gold image will appear here if it exists.
Parameter Value Variable Property
name name Has name
link link Has Hearthpwn page
image image Has image
has_gold has_gold Has gold version
gold_image image Has gold image
set set Is part of set
type type Has card type
subtype subtype Has card subtype
class class Has class
multiclass multiclass Has multiclass
rarity rarity Has rarity
Has rarity/index
cost cost Has mana cost
attack attack Has attack
hp hp Has health
armor armor Has armor
abilities abilities Has abilities
desc desc Has description
flavor flavor Has flavor text

This template is used to set up a card data page.

These will be set up as Data namespace pages by periodic automated imports of data extracted from the game client, however editors may need to create data pages while waiting for imports to occur. Editors may also wish to edit the data to correct import errors, or to match updates to the data.

As well as being edited directly, the data found here can also be added to or overridden manually through the appropriate parameters of {{Card infobox}} on the content page itself. This may be desirable when working with temporary data pages, allowing for persistent additions to that data regardless of future imports.

This template shows the data in a display like the one below automatically when used on pages in the Data namespace, but shows nothing when used elsewhere. This is because the data page is transcluded on its content page. The show_data parameter is provided if you want to test data pages in your userspace, though. Setting that to yes will cause it to display the data.


{{Card data (mission)
  |show_data=yes or no
  |name=name of the card
  |link=link to the card's Hearthpwn page
  |image=filename of the normal card image
  |has_gold=True if there is a gold version, or False if there isn't
  |gold_image=filename of the gold card image, leave blank if there is none
  |type=the main type of the card, such as spell or minion
  |subtype=subtype of the card, such as beast
  |class=classes that can use the card, separated by commas
  |multiclass=multiclass grouping, if any
  |rarity=the card's rarity
  |cost=the card's mana cost, if any
  |attack=the card's attack power, if any
  |hp=the card's health, if any
  |abilities=the card's abilities or mechanics, separated by commas
  |desc=the card's description
  |flavor=the card's flavor text