Template:Blacksmithing Hammer strategy

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On its own, it is not a good weapon as it is a 4 mana deal 5 damage weapon. Blacksmithing Hammer should at least be traded once back in the deck to become a solid weapon for use.

Do note that the Durability bonus from trading stack in which the weapon can have alot of durability. However it should be taken into mind that drawing this a second time can be difficult in the beginning especially when this card is not mulligan in the beginning or drawn later into the deck the first time in which it becomes a weak weapon. This can be difficult especially when the opponent's deck is a aggressive deck that can just defeat you before you get to draw it out the second time.

It's main use is in a Control Warrior deck that wants to strive into the late game by shuffling Blacksmithing Hammer multiple times either early game or late game to produce a extremely durable weapon in the end. Although it takes several turns to build the weapon, it also benefits the player to draw other early-game cards to prolong the game until the player draws the weapon.

With its massive durability (if traded multiple times), it is a great weapon to be upgraded with Upgrade.

It should not be used in a  Raid the Docks as the final reward will replace this weapon in which all of effort to build the Durability can be wasted.

Since it is a 5 attack weapon,  Cutting Class can be used for free to draw 2 cards.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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