Template:Battlegrounds/Seabreaker Goliath strategy

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Seabreaker Goliath was a strong field-wide buff for Pirate builds, but care must be taken to use it to its full potential. A low-statted Seabreaker Goliath that attacked first was vulnerable to hitting opponent's Taunt minions with high stats or Divine Shield, preventing the Overkill from triggering and destroying Seabreaker Goliath before it could buff the minions. Shall you suspect your opponent had large Taunt minions that your Seabreaker Goliath could not destroy by himself, having minions attack before it to soften up your opponent's Taunts could be helpful, even if it reduced the number of minions the Goliath could buff.

In addition, Seabreaker Goliath's Windfury allowed it to trigger Dread Admiral Eliza twice.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

BGS 080 Battlegrounds.png

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