Template:Battlegrounds/Captain Eudora strategy

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Captain Eudora's Hero Power allows to get a random Golden minion from a current Tavern Tier or lower every five times it is used, complete with the standard reward of Discovering a minion of the next Tavern Tier. The massive power spike that Buried Treasure represents means that players should aim to use the Hero Power every round, and the Golden minions can be used to give direction to your composition. However, the necessity of using the Hero Power every turn during the early game sets Eudora behind quickly.

Should Eudora be lucky enough to pull a powerful Golden minion and/or a powerful minion, Eudora can easily snowball and win the game; if she obtains a weak Golden minion, she often loses easily. The players can either Dig from the second turn (4 Gold), landing on Tier 4 to Discover a Tier 5 minion, or start digging from turn 1, depending on the available minions and matchup.

As a consistent source of Golden minions, Eudora works very well with Goldgrubber.

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TB BaconShop HERO 64.png

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