Template:Battlegrounds/Aranna Starseeker strategy

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Aranna's Hero Power takes a couple of turns to activate, but once she Refreshes five times, her Refreshes become more powerful. Once she does, the extra minions she rolls each Refresh gives her a better chance of finding core minions and synergistic effects, but until then her Hero Power does nothing. If you buy and upgrade at a typical pace, it takes longer for her to power up and reduces the value of her Hero Power, so playing her like any other hero won't let you take advantage of her Hero Power as well.

Aranna functions particularly better with early scaling minions, where her Hero Power compensates for the reduced number of minion rolls and helps with searching for copies of minion needed to scale them. This makes her one of the better heroes for Wrath Weaver and Rabid Saurolisk builds.

Keep in mind that as Aranna, staying at tier 1 for the first couple of turn (usually till turn 4 when you have 6 gold) to activate your quest while looking for possible triples is a viable strategies. Minions like Wrath Weaver or token generators like Murloc Tidehunter and Alleycat are good picks for triples. Tavern up to tier 3 and look for tier 4 units from your triple rewards (like Goldgrubber) to synergies with your board. You can always look for other strong minions like Bolvar, Fireblood or Savannah Highmane if you can't find those synergistic minions. Once you have activated your hero power, you can also look for build defining minions (like Brann Bronzebeard or Mama Bear) if you warband doesn't seemed to line up just yet.

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