Template:Baron Geddon strategy

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At 7 mana for a 7/7 minion, Baron Geddon is a great card for going against decks which get out a lot of minions fast. Baron coupled with just about any other AoE card can clear the opponent's side of the board very easily. This card is also a very good game changer, and can turn the tide of a game very quickly.

Baron Geddon works well in Control Warrior decks as a board clear, where the 2 damage to your hero matters little. As an Elemental,  Frost Lich Jaina can turn Baron Geddon into a potent AoE and healing card and negates 2 damage to your own hero, and even if Geddon's effect would kill Jaina, it won't happen because Lifesteal restores more than the initial damage for each other character (including players), making him a powerful comeback card.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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